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  1. my thoughts exactly but it only uses sv to cook the egg with the wine reduction, then removing it and blending in butter as usual. So i think its could work i'm going to try it, the book it comes from is very interesting and with a $625 dollar list price with recipes from Grant Achatz and some of the other great food scientist, it looks promising gonna try it wednsday i will post pics and recipe we will see how it gos.
  2. I have made pancetta several times at home and work i always hang mine the fridge or walk in. Some I know disagree and say that there is not enough humidity or too much, but I have had outstanding results. Also I did make a batch of Micheal Ruhlman's guinciale and cured it the same way i did one thyme and black pepper and one mesquite and red pepper both came out fantastic. Both of which i cured in a reach in cooler at work granted this method may require a few more days of hanging but it has worked well for me. Another thing is if I am hanging multiple meats i like to make a cheese cloth tent around the meats just to insure low light exposure and any risk of cross contamination.
  3. sure thing Boss, I just get a litle excited and begin to ramble,hahaha thanks for the welcome.Spencer's pantry is a unique concept ,I had thought about doing something similar. Looks like it is treating you well? Talk soon.
  4. well as far as the sv stock option i wouldnt know where to begin but a while ago a friend of mine shared a technique with me that he had been taught to him while working at a Charlie Trotter restaraunt in vegas now what the do there to avoid trying to capture the ever ellusive perfect simmer they build the stock as usual mirepoix bones sachet more mirepoix wine and pincage tomatoe now in the initial build the stock is treated as normal and it goes for a much shorter time say four hours for beef bones adding the veggies at about the 2 and a half mark then the sachet for say an 45 to an hour this is to avoid bitterness from the veggies and the herbs as they breakdown now then the stock is strained the bones picked out and re added to the liquid now they place the stock in an oven at about 200 degrees depending on the unit if you braise in it you know what temp to use but the they allow the stock to cook in the oven this way uncovered for 6 to 8 even over night of course adding another round of mirepoix and herbs before removing depending on desired results now the ending product my friend is a rich well developed stock that will blow you away the only downside i found is the ending result can be preety spendy and we only ever used it for sauce production the other issue i had is i dont get to skim as much as i would like too but try it the result will change your mind about stock production
  5. This is a reworking of a breakfast classic steak and eggs as far as the tecnique ,absolutely leave the egg in the shell it is natures gift.as for the dish it a buffalo new york strip steak that has been pan seared and finished with salt pepper and lemon juice. Sitting on the steak is a yukon gold potatoe"boat" that has been steemed the hollowed out and fried which acts as a cradel for the egg.Thin slices of jalapeno(the ones in the pic are sloppy sorry) for a garnish and the green liquid is a chive oil. At our restaraunt we serve this as a dinner appetizer and its a fun dish that really get the palate rolling.
  6. i have recently been working at a private club in which we have two poly science ciculators and use them for EVERYTHING.....the latest venture has been the 55 min egg in which you submerge the egg (no bag neccesary) in a water bath held at 146.4 degrees farenheit for 55 to 65 minutes detemined by your preference what this allows is the the albumen or (white) which contains all the protein and begins to coagulate between 144 and 149, now the yolk on the other hand contains all the fat and lecithen(thickening agent in eggs)and it coagulates between 149 and 158 now by cooking the egg at a constant temprature that stradels these two temprature ranges you get an egg that the white has been cooked slightly leaving it tender with almost the texture of the perect poached egg and the yolk has begun to take on a almost custard like texture very creamy and rich and the time has alowed us to bring out the very essence of the eggs flavor which is why i highly recomend this for duck eggs or a nice local free range egg that will hold its own the the flavor department the process as we discussed earlier covers the cooking of the egg now the egg should be cooled in an ice bath immediatly if not going to be consumed right away it takes ten minutes to reheat using the same procedure extraction lightly tap the egg with the back of the spoon then gently dump e egg in a bowl there will be a part of the egg white which will fall off leaving a beautifull round glossy egg then scoop it up with a spoon and use it how you like this is a must try for anyone who loves food
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