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senor hamachi

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Everything posted by senor hamachi

  1. How does this work???
  2. I am interested in making pinto beans in a slow cooker. I need to make about 2 lbs of beans, and I was hoping to do so overnight in the slow cooker. I was thinking something along the lines of frijoles borrachos... Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I'd recommend Viva Madrid - very good Spanish food (probably the best Southern California has to offer).
  4. Hayes Hanson & Clark (25 Eccleston Street, near Victoria tube) has 96 Pol Roger. GBP 37.25 for 1 bottle, cheaper if you buy a case. They also have a number of other 96 vintage labels...what else are you looking for?
  5. Perfect, thanks! I now have lunch reservations at L'Avant Gout! :)
  6. Any more thoughts or recommendations for Christmas lunch in Paris? Thanks!
  7. Hi all. My wife and I will be moving to London for 6 months...we'll be living in the Victoria/Belgravia area. We would greatly appreciate any of your recommendations for all kinds of restaurants - good locals places, ethnic foods, best deals, etc. Thanks!
  8. Hi everyone! I'm new here, and just saw this thread. I was worried that the deal would be over, but I clicked through and saw that it is now down to $49.99 for the 6 bordeaux glasses with the 6 burgundy glasses thrown in for free. Free shipping too!
  9. A few years ago a colleague and I found ourselves flying to NYC quite often for work. We would arrive on the last non-red eye flight of the day from Los Angeles and would want to go out for a bite before checking into our hotel. On one of these outings we hit the grill at Wollensky's. It was pretty late and I didn't know if I could handle an entire steak right before bedtime. I asked the waiter what was better, the club sandwich or burger. His reply was: "The sirloin! You don't come to Wollensky's for the club sandwich!" My colleague and I still chuckle about that one once in a while.
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