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Everything posted by Richardvines

  1. Booking is scheduled to open on March 31. Details are on Jason's website http://www.jasonatherton.co.uk/. I had a tour of the site on Feb. 24 and it is looking great.
  2. Polpo's Soho offshoot will be a New York speakeasy-style venue called Spuntino, with fewer than 30 covers. Most diners will sit at the bar. Details: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601040&sid=aOPZ6XL_57Nk
  3. Hi. Here'a the original Pierre Koffmann story and a video interview. What else would you like to know? Regards, Rich. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/commentary/vines.html
  4. Thanks David. This is quite interesting from today if you have time: http://www.bloomberg.co.uk/apps/news?pid=20601040&sid=aXBCWvM.o1eA
  5. Publication is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Tuesday, January 19. Here's a survey of predictions from chefs, including Atherton, Bains, Bonnet, Bosi, Corrigan, Demetre etc http://www.bloomberg.co.uk/apps/news?pid=20601040&sid=a220rC7N.nuI
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