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Everything posted by gwl

  1. A decent thermometer or two...always checking internal temps of meats in the oven or on the grill. An instant read (fast) one is best.
  2. SS mixing bowls...we have 5 or six, and they are used almost every meal for something...marinating veg for grilling, mixing a dressing, making a marinade, garbage bowl, defrosting shrimp etc etc...
  3. Boiled or steamed cauliflower...roasted or grilled, no problem, but the smell of it on the stove top hurts me bad.
  4. A few things: - we cut back on salt most often, and increase the pepper - we add more vegetables than the recipe calls for...more for flavour and nutrition - everything always needs more garlic, doesn't it? - if it has caraway seeds, or dill, we don't add in (personal preference) - mostly ignore the final temperature if it is beef, lamb or pork. How many recipes call for an internal temp of 140 for medium rare! Beef and lamb generally get pulled at 120ish and pork at 140. Too many safety nazis.
  5. gwl


    My wives version is similar to the one above as well...it is a mix of her mothers and my mothers recipes. She does brush the crust with a little dijon for flavour, and has made a plum chutney that really hits the spot with the tourtiere. We have ours on Christmas morning while opening presents.
  6. gwl

    Microwave Cooking

    Spaghetti squash cooks great in the MW. Face down in a glass dish, covered with film, just a little water. Cannot remember how long it takes, but it works very well.
  7. gwl

    Dinner! 2009

    I am just amazed and impressed with the quality of the food that is regularly displayed on these pages. I have been reading this board for many years, and just recently registered. I hope to participate as time goes on... gwl
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