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  1. thanks everyone really appreciate it. I will be calling local authorities and figuring it out when I get there
  2. Hi everyone, Long time lurker... I am moving to London for a few years at the end of this month, and wondering about the legalities of selling cakes and the like from home. Here in New Zealand the laws on food hygiene are very strict for this kind of business and all food must be prepared in a commercial kitchen that is regularly inspected. I have spent hours searching online but can find nothing that says you can/can not bake/deliver from your home. Someone enlighten me Thanks
  3. Wow thanks to this thread I finally conquered my fear of macaroons! I followed the David Lebowitz recipe, left them out for 30 minutes, used egg whites that had been in the fridge for 3 days and then brought to room temp, and these babies are what I turned out with. Chocolate Macarons on my website I freaked out that they were stuck to the tray but after 10 minutes they just peeled right off. I am very happy, and they are so yum, I just need to make the mix a bit thinner next time I think.
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