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Posts posted by Chocolatesa

  1. "carb-and-pork antifreeze"!! This one had me laughing :) I've been making tourtieres every Christmas with my parents from my grandmother's recipe for as long as I can remember and have never come across such a description. My grandmother's recipe has a mix of equal parts ground veal, pork and beef, with minced onions and breadcrumbs, and the trio of allspice-clove-nutmeg and some salt and pepper for seasoning as the filling. The crust is all purpose flour, salt, lard, an egg, and the special ingredient: vinegar. The vinegar gives it a flavour that I coveted as a kid and still do, I always eat bits of the raw dough as the tourtieres are being made and do my best (despite my mother's usual (unfounded) chiding that I'll get a stomache ache and my dad complaining that there won't be enough dough left over to make some pets de soeurs) to stash away a nice tennis or baseball-sized ball of raw dough in the fridge to indulge in later. I feel like making some this weekend :)

  2. Thank you for this! You've convinced me that a soft-boiled egg is doable, and I can't remember having attempted doing this ever. I'm looking forward to one on hot buttered toast with white pepper and powdered fat-free chicken broth sprinkled on top! (I keep it in a shaker and use it on lots of savoury foods).

  3. For those of you who are into kitchen tech, molecular gastronomy, etc., two of the foremost people in that space, Dave Arnold and Nils Noren of the French Culinary Institute (where I'm teaching a class, which is how I know about this), have just started a blog called Cooking Issues. The current post is on "live infusion" of oysters, in other words getting the oysters to eat stuff to make them taste different, before we taste them.

    Thank you for showing me this! This is my favourite cooking blog to read now :D I just really wish I had the time and money to go to the FCI myself!

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