One thing's clear: you don't get into Page Six and the like regularly without a PR firm (if that's the kind of restaurant you're running; I tend to flee places mentioned in Page Six). You need somebyody But you don't need a publicist to get reviews or even minor coverage. But you've really gotta work it. I have one friend that put together a slender press kit, called a few reviewers and mailed. He ended up with an NYT review (Asimov), that then got recycled three more times in the following six months. Same with another that sent a menu to Grimes and got a Diner's Journal followed by an Asimov review (unfavorable, however). It seems much easier for a new restaurant, because NYC is a town that loves new restaurants and there's a number of outlets (NY Mag, Time Out, the dailies) But how does a mid-range restaurant get press later when there's no star chef involved? Seems to be easier on the high-end places than, say, United Noodle, Salt, OG, Miracle Grill, Pearl Oyster Bar, Chez Michallet or Japonica. How would you go about promoting a place like that??