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Michael Gillen

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    Solana Beach, CA
  1. great visual
  2. Hello, I am also new to this and have a question: What is the differnce between the "melter" and the "temperer". I can gues that the temperer does just that, so why would anyone want to use a melter? Is that for keeping already tempered yummy chocolate in temper? What is the price difference between a temperer and a melter with similar capacities? And one last question: How long does it take? Like if I used an X3210 with 5 pounds of chocolate, how long would it take to go from solid to liquid tempered ready to use yummy chocolate? Thanks, Michael
  3. Hello all and thanks for all the great replies. I love this forum! Speaking of Corn Syrup as a substitute, when my 1KG pail runs out I might try that. Is it true that Corn Syrum is just another form of "vegatable sugar" like Glucose is? I thought I read that somewhere on EG or perhaps in Greweling's book? Thanks again, Michael
  4. Glad to see I'm not the only one with this sticky problem One question - when you use your hand, how the heck do you measure it? You must be much more experienced than I at measuring liquids!!!!
  5. Yes, intended pun I hope you enjoyed. I am new to chocolate making, having only made a few batches. In using one of the recipes from a book, it calls for glucose syrup, which I managed to obtain. My problem is, how does one go about measuring out "2 oz." from a 1KG tub? This stuff is sooooo thick and sticky! Suggestions welcomed from the experienced!!! Happy Chocolating! Michael
  6. Hello all, I found another place that will sell "Candy Tuck Top Boxes" for only $0.17 USD each in small quantities of 100 and is in LA, close to me so shipping will be relatively inexpensive. They are at papermart.com. They do not send out samples but they are really cheap so even the boxes don't work out I won't be out that much $$$ Thanks for all the info and replies! Once I get an order I will post a reply on quality, ease of assembly, etc. Happy Chocolating! Michael
  7. Hello all and thanks for the info. I guess I would like more recommendations on whom to purchase small qunatities of easy to use chocolate bozes that are inexpensive. So please chime in with your recommendations! Thanks! Michael
  8. Hope this isn't too off topic or inappropriate. To get to the point, I would like to find someone that wants to "share" an order of chocolate boxes. The order I am considering is 250 one-piece boxes from U-Line (www.uline.com) for ~$60USD. These boxes fold up easily and hold 1/2LB of candy. I don't want/need 250 but buying them at $1 each from the local art supply store is more than I am willing to pay for something I plan to use often. The great thing about this company is that I filled out an inquiry form on line and said that I made chocolate candy as a hobby and am interested in a couple of different candy boxes they offer and would they please send me a sample of each. Well, within minutes I had an email indicating that samples would be shipped out that day UPS. Great service! Very helpful. I received four samples of different boxes - 1/2 LB and 1LB fold-up and two-piece. I like the smaller fold up as it will be plenty big and it was easy to put together. OK, let me know if you are interested. I can send you pictures if you want. Best, Michael
  9. Fiction. I try to eat Atkins diet however I don't know anyone else that does so I think I am a very small minority. And I would never look for low carb in a bakery. If I go into a bakery, it's to eat carbs (splurge) not seek out the low-carb alternative to a splurge. My $0.02 worth. Michael PS: Best of Luck!
  10. Thanks Kerry. I also found something called "Lock & Lock" that is airtight and watertight but their biggest is only 38 cups. I'm going to drop by the pet store today and see what they have. Michael
  11. Hello Kerry, I found some Iris containers on Amazon.com however they all seem to be for pet food storage. Is that the same thing you are referring to? Are they suitable for human food storage? Thx, Michael
  12. Hi all and thanks for the info! Thank you Kerry for your continued support to me and the rest of the Forum. Anyone have reommendations for an airtight "storage container"? Someone mentions "Solution". Is that a company? Website? Thanks again, Michael
  13. Hello all, first post and glad to be here. Been lurking for a couple of months. I'm new to making chocolate, only made two batches so far. However I just received a block of Callebaut in the mail, broke it up, wrapped it up, which prompts this question: I am wrapping the individual blocks twice in "saran wrap" then once in heavy duty aluminum foil. My concern is that the chocolate will absorb a mettalic taste from the foil. Will it? Also, for chocolate storage, I know it should be stored "airtight". So am I doing enough? I am putting the foil-wrapped blocks into a "space bag" and then in a plastic storage container (not airtight). Just wondered what others are using. Thanks for all the great info on this Forum. I've already learned a lot! Michael
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