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Posts posted by adiamant

  1. Second bread baked yesterday, and came out beautiful. I used the rest of the dough, so had about a double size loaf (scale is on order, so don't have exact measurements yet). I left it to rest for 1 1/2 hours or so, and baked it for 35 minutes, removing the water after 13 minutes.

    The crust came out a bit thicker and more crunchy than the first one, and the taste is better too (not as salty, surprisingly. Not sure why another day of fridge storage would change that, but my wife agreed with the observation too).

    Mixed another batch, reducing the salt to 1 1/4 T, and swapping 1/2 a cup of AP flour for whole wheat and adding 1/4 cup of water to compensate. We'll see how that works.

    I did remember to get some photos this time:



    and crumb...


    A better view of the crumb


  2. Just made my first batch, and baked my first boule ever last night after 24 hours in the fridge. It came out great - especially considering the minimal amount of effort required. I love it.

    The bread was a little dense (which I like), probably due to only 40 mins rest time before baking it. It came out a bit salty too (I'm using the master formula and morton kosher salt). I will try to reduce the amount of salt a bit for next time, but there's still plenty of dough left.

    I'm going to try for a larger loaf next time (tonight). This little one only kept till morning when the kids asked for it for their lunch sandwiches.

    I wanted to bake bread for a while, but always figured it was more time and effort than I could spare. Using the book's method, it doesn't take much at all and the results are great. Thanks Zoe.

    P.S. Sorry for no pictures, I was too excited by the bread to think about that, and it was gone by the time I did :)

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