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Everything posted by jlaw6402

  1. I found this for you, http://www.fishex.com/recipes/crab/roasted-whole-crab.html, note sure if this is what you're looking for. Anyways, how big are we talking here? Obviously you are planning to conquer the crabs at home, so I hope you have big pots and pans! Good luck, let us know how it goes. I want some pictures!
  2. jlaw6402

    Dinner! 2009

    Greetings everyone, I'm excited to share my all time favorite. I woke up this morning with a mission, I wanted to make my baked pasta. So after lunch, I went to the store and bought the ingredients I needed. There is nothing really special about this baked pasta, but it is one of my first adventures in the kitchen, and it actually came out really really good. My family and friends love it, and I love making it. It's a win-win solution! Nothing like a bunch of cheese, chicken, and vegetables haha!
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