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david goodfellow

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Everything posted by david goodfellow

  1. Guardian writer Susan Smillie has an interesting article on the Vegas food scene, Well worthy of a read. http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/200...corked-festival
  2. I liked this episode. Beauty and the beast perhaps as Corrigan said, about sums it up. But Dannys gutsy flavors really appeal to me personally WE all know Clare's lamb is cooked to perfection, but would fifteen stone of hunky serviceman/woman appreciate its dainty rareness? Still a lot is in the tasting. "Guys make sure your garnish is f-ck-n hot" Sound familiar? She's no pussycat in her kitchen Control freak? Don't you dare touch those pans Danny, she'll take your balls off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Bet that Sea Trout and crab was the dogs goolies, taste wise, needs refining of course. Had a Sea trout from virtually out of the water on to the plate, and that was divine, best fish I've ever eaten. ← I'd have preferred the sea trout - I'm just not a massive lobster fan though. Having said that, from what I've seen so far I'd rather Clare goes through to make a change to the way the judges have gone so far. Oh and if the judges on friday say anything along the lines of "oh, well I didn't expect that" when they find out who's menu is who's, I might have to track them down and slap them. ← They did the same trick when Atul Kotchhar was appearing, I mean come on per-leese Interested to see what Oliver Peyton is attired in . Does he wear those jackets for some kind of bet?
  4. Bet that Sea Trout and crab was the dogs goolies, taste wise, needs refining of course. Had a Sea trout from virtually out of the water on to the plate, and that was divine, best fish I've ever eaten.
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...s-best-100.html
  6. Life must be very Waring for Gordon at present, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...s-best-100.html
  7. Morning, Hemingway, At least its morning in the UK. What time is it in Dallas? Most brits tend only to associate Vegas with gambling, and whilst the City was built, and indeed is still being rebuilt on gambling money, it has a huge amount to offer besides. It really is a fantasy land, we have very fond memories. Thanks very much for the update, perhaps it may change peoples perception, for what in my opinion ,is a mind blowing destination.
  8. I totally agree, the only way to sample her food is an expensive trip to Royal Hospital Road. Must admit though, its not been on my to visit list, but then again The Fat Duck was'n't either, but thats fast approaching now. Going to buy some trotters, bet there cheap as chips, and bags of flavour. ← Probably about a £ each David Is it really her food at RHR? ← Cheaper than a Ham Hock from Morrisons at £1.49 then, Makes a fantastic Emeril Lagasse recipe, lentil soup. Take your point Ms Lizzy Probably her interpretation? Bet there are others on here who can answer that better than I Anybody?
  9. I totally agree, the only way to sample her food is an expensive trip to Royal Hospital Road. Must admit though, its not been on my to visit list, but then again The Fat Duck was'n't either, but thats fast approaching now. Going to buy some trotters, bet there cheap as chips, and bags of flavour.
  10. All seemed a bit tame in there tonight, very simple food, What do you think of it? Its got to be all down to flavour me thinks, no fancy cheffy stuff.
  11. Am really hoping tonights contestants will keep us entertained,food and personality wise. Danny Millar seams to come across as an easy going type of guy. Are we going to see Clare Smyth portrayed as some kind of ? Lets hope there is a bit of edge between them. Stargazy pie man Mark Hix is overseeing next weeks show,featuring Michelin heavyweight Nathan Outlaw against another Michelin man Shaun Rankin for the south west heat. Looking forward to that one, quite a bit.
  12. Now that Jody Latham has buggered of to Lancashire to wreak havoc (how on earth is he going to keep his staff?) the real star of the show can start to have his ego massaged. ,
  13. I thought he was bang out of order, and he knew it, hence the offer of a handshake. He was of course correct in explaining about the way the dish should be served, but hey come on we all have preferences as to how we like our meat. I think a stand up argument with a customer, perhaps sours things forever, with no possibility of them ever returning(not that they could here of course). I had a problem with a dish a few months back, and the expert Maitre D whisked it away without fuss or aggravation.It saved the meal and ensured our return Its his job to ensure trouble free service, not create pandemonium. Did I hear correctly, Service 0 out of 10, Says it all then! Any Maitre D.s out there like to give us their thoughts?
  14. Ooh, you lucky Lancastrians are in for a treat(not). As Jody Latham has announced that he's soon to open a gastropub. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/artic...-gastropub.html Any thoughts on Maitre d Nicks treatment of the clientele last night?
  15. I'm really eager to go too but its about five hours drive for me. I read somewhere recently he is taking over somewhere else nearby, will try to find out and post it, here.
  16. Sorry guys,apologies in advance, I just could not resist. Well it is Sunday! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMlv3ripSM
  17. I thought it was quite a weird article, obviously a slow news day. I know places like the Crowne Casino (in Melbourne) already do this, with lots of top name chefs including Nobu already established and Ramsay opening soon. Isn't the same true for Las Vegas and Dubai? ← Not been to Vegas or Dubai for a handful of years So I'm out of touch somewhat. Do know one thing though, especially when it comes to Vegas The dining choices, are incredible, I bet more so now. We had our best steak ever,in a restaurant in Mandalay Bay although the name escapes me now. We don't gamble at all, but go just for the stunning shows and the myriad food options Best bargains of all are the top end hotel buffets, absolutely massive choice. I can almost guarantee most of Americas top chefs and european ones too have a presence Emeril Lagasse, and Wolfgang Puck were a couple of places we ate Dubai is a very different sort of place, we stayed at Jumeira Beach, which has only one fabulous seafood restaurant (it deserves more) which is slightly out to sea with stunning views back to the hotel. We dined at a couple of the rated restaurants in Burj al Arab although the food was not memorable, the surroundings were. We asked if we could pay a supplement to stay in the Burj for a couple of nights but at £500 a night I politely declined, they are sister hotels by the way. Before posting this I googled Mandalay Bay and guess what? Monsieur Ducasse has a restaurant there. If you look at the dining options, its fairly mind boggling and this is just "one" hotel http://www.mandalaybay.com/dining/mandalaychefs.aspx Will have to go again, very soon me thinks.................................
  18. Take Gordon Ramsay,Jason Atherton,"Nobu" Matsuhisa, and add a very large dash of mega richness in the form of Sol Kerzner. What do you get? Success on the plate, simple as. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_...icle6112185.ece
  19. As you " in the know" Mancunians are probably aware the new chef of Harvey Nicks, Second Floor Restaurant has been announced, Stuart Thomson. For the benefit of those who are not so in touch with the Manchester dining scene (me included perhaps) read this http://www.manchesterconfidential.com/inde...DfiKHqiNwF6IHqi We had a very good meal here, back in January, there was much to enjoy. The rumour mill prior to Alison Seagraves departure credited most of the success down to young Stuart? As an aside I also love the Urbis building and have put The Modern down as a visit in the near future I really like this part of Manchester,it somehow sits comfortably with the Cathedral and some of the other old buildings.
  20. Fantastic, I'd heard a rumour that he was quietly postponing the opening given the crumbling economy, I'm glad to see that it's all still going ahead. Does anyone have a phone number for booking? Directory enquiries are drawing a blank and there's no sign on the interweb... ← Been looking myself, nothing yet. They may go for a soft opening, just to see everything is working ok. Just checked on flights, BMI baby do a Midlands one for £55 return, need to book soon though at that price. Fingers crossed some details are forthcoming, sooner rather than later.
  21. No problem with tasting Tom's dish if you make a quick booking at the Kitchen - he is runnning his winning dishes as a £60 menu. Catherine edit: oops, the Kitchin, obviously - who knows what there is to eat at "the Kitchen" ← Sadly it will have to wait a while. Five and a half hours by car( google maps) is indeed a special journey. Perhaps I'll check out Easyjet? All I seem to be doing of late is covering huge distances to eat food. Nothing wrong with that I suppose, could be worse, I could be working. Seems to me that I ought to combine a visit to both Kitchin,& Kitching, but Paul is not open yet! Of course you lucky Scots have a wealth of fine dining in that wonderful city of yours. Very Happy Dining.
  22. I'm not familiar with the Chester dining scene, but I'm a little surprised that given its a tourist honey pot it does'n't get more exposure on this forum. Well acting on a tip from a nice couple that we met at The Grosvenor Arms Aldford, we decided to try Oddfellows. Some friends of ours live in North Wales and as Chester is about midway between us, it seemed appropriate to meet up there. Entering through a fairly low key doorway I was immediatley entranced by the style and class of the place. There was something instantly recognisable about this spot that brought back vivid memories. Miami's South Beach!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blur out the accents and your right there. We sat outside in one of the heated cabanas overlooking the pool. The sky was clear blue, and all was good in the world. We all opted for the same starter, Port of Lancaster smoked Haddock,soft poached egg, curry sauce, it seemed appropriate, as it was of course Tom Kitchen's GBM starter dish. Three of us had the same main Beefburger,225 gram of minced ground beef topped with, bacon and cheese, and fat cut chips. One of the ladies had Fillet of Sea Trout, crab and lemon grass risotto, gazpacho dressing I really love Sea Trout and risotto but passed on it because we had fish the previous day. She loved it! We passed on pudding as we were stuffed. All in all pretty decent food in spectacular surroundings. I asked for a look around which they gladly did. The four bedrooms were occupied so we could not look, shame, however we looked at the private members club, and upstairs bar, very impressive. Now I'm the first to admit that food is my focus, and will always be, however that said, great surroundings and the "happy smiley people" effect can make things that bit special. Do try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.oddfellows.biz/
  23. I really rate Paul Kitching. He was sitting outside on the step between Juniper and the chinese? as we left. Clearly some time ago now. He was interested to know what we thought He had to dash in and out the kitchen to finish off a few of the meals, because service was still ongoing. We had a great chat in between his frantic dashes What a fantastic guy Just shows how confident he is, by changing everything on a daily basis. I wish Him and Katie every success, they deserve it.
  24. Oh I tell you what though, Marcus Waring has tasted a few good things in his time, and by all accounts that beef was divine! Wish it were on my table now! Danny Millar and Clare Smyth (Gordon Ramsay RHR) Should be a good bit of banter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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