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James Howard

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Posts posted by James Howard

  1. thomas keller is not happy with this list!

    Not to take anything away from Keller or Kinch, but I don't think either belong on this list. Not because they are not great chefs nor because their restaurants aren't great either, but because they are not "molecular", at least not in the sense I believe the question of this topic asked. I believe that this topic is beginning to see encroachment of restaurants that don't really belong to the category, even though they may be great in their own rights.

    There certainly are many more Spanish restaurants that can find their ways to this list, though. The surface has only been scratched there.

    Thomas Keller uses the science of thought to push the chemisty of molecular gastromony to a level that few great chefs are able to reach. He also takes whether it be molecular or natural gastronomy to a level that keeps the perfection of the pairing of wine and cuisine, which I feel creates the experience.

    Molecular gastronomy is the new frontier and will change the look, feel and taste of foods for the future only as long as cusine is always at the fore front and the show only assists! Foods are created to be paired with wines and when the show distracts the perfect pairing we have crossed the line.
  2. thomas keller is not happy with this list!

    Not to take anything away from Keller or Kinch, but I don't think either belong on this list. Not because they are not great chefs nor because their restaurants aren't great either, but because they are not "molecular", at least not in the sense I believe the question of this topic asked. I believe that this topic is beginning to see encroachment of restaurants that don't really belong to the category, even though they may be great in their own rights.

    There certainly are many more Spanish restaurants that can find their ways to this list, though. The surface has only been scratched there.

    Thomas Keller uses the science of thought to push the chemisty of molecular gastromony to a level that few great chefs are able to reach. He also takes whether it be molecular or natural gastronomy to a level that keeps the perfection of the pairing of wine and cuisine, which I feel creates the experience.

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