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About Me

Hi all! I'm Brett Martino. I'm an attorney living in New York City. I'm an aficionado of all things food and drink-related, and I spend most of my free time cooking, drinking, eating or researching what I should cook/drink/eat. I am certain that my lust to sample every new and innovative flavor combination will eventually be my downfall, but for now, I'm enjoying the ride!

The following things are (alarmingly) true facts about me:

- I cannot distribute my weight evenly between my two feet

- I don't own an umbrella

- I lived in Asia and learned how to make soup dumplings (hard!)

- I believe that an old fashioned is not an old fashioned if it contains muddled fruit

- I was vegan for several years until I suffered a severe blow to the head

- I studied to become an air traffic controller

- I have tasted the most perfect triple ristretto macchiato in the known universe

- I am a horrible pastry chef, but I make awesome cupcakes

- I hated macaroni & cheese until I had the white truffle version at Waverly Inn

- I have a sweet tooth a mile wide

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