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  1. Sorry to high jack, but someone mentioned a Pegu Club being boring. I find this version to be unboring. 2 oz Tanqueray Gin 1/2 oz lime juice 1/2 oz Cointreau 1/4 oz Grand Marnier 2 dashes Angostura 2 dashes Regan's orange bitters If I'm wanting dryer I'll skip the grand marnier(well right now it would be grand gala) Beefeater has worked in this drink for me, but Plymouth has not. I haven't tried other gins yet.
  2. Time for a dumb guy to post something Not French, not 19th century but one could rename it with a "Le, La, L', or Les" in front of the new name and add it to Wikipedia. Sidecar or some Frenchyfied variation like adding a Chartruese, Sauternes or other French addition. Jaded in what way?
  3. Angostura is sold in 16oz bottles! I'm glad the Stormy Mai Tai is being brought up again, I had to adapt it for my tastes. 1 oz Angostura 1/2 oz rum (light) 1 oz lime juice 3/4 oz orgeat 3/4 oz Curaçao Dark rum float Any other adaptations for this drink?
  4. The Monkey Gland is just OK for me. I like the absinthe in the Monkey Gland, and add orange bitters as in the Julie Reiner version. And you are correct, I like orange juice in drinks as long as other citrus is present; Stork Club, Ma Bonnie Wee Hen, Ward Eight. I love Scotch cocktails so the Blood and Sand is a keeper.
  5. These 3 with gin and orange juice, I can't seem to understand. The Abbey Income Tax Cocktail Bronx Cocktail Any crushed ice or frozen cocktail is too cold for my taste buds and my brain. I haven't run in to any frozen cocktails but I might as well bash them while I'm here. I don't think anyone is supposed to like the combination of champagne and absinthe, Death in the Afternoon.
  6. I have been using the Top Shelf app for adding my recipes and sharing with friends. Those are the best parts of the app. The recipes that the app comes with are the usual junk but that is not what we use it for. With four of us sharing recipes, my favorites has over 160 recipes. There are probably better apps but I'm too lazy to look for one.
  7. This is the adaptation of the Penicillin that I make at home. I think I picked this up from a post by slkinsey in another thread. 3 Ginger Slice(fresh) each about the size of a quarter 1 oz Honey Syrup(1:1) *Muddle 2 oz Scotch(Famous Grouse) 3/4 oz Lemon Juice *Shake with ice in a mixing glass *Double strain in to rocks glass with fresh large ice cube 1/4 oz float Scotch Islay 1 Lemon Twist garnish
  8. Thank you for your help weinoo, my spouse and I enjoyed several cocktails there last night. The place is wonderful, the glasses are still beautiful, the cocktails were excellent. We enjoyed the very friendly staff who were Chase, Nicolas, and Coco. The only new info I have is that ECC is currently opening at 8:00pm.
  9. Are walk-ins welcome or is it reservations only ? Any information on this cocktail bar would be great. Thank you.
  10. Link to book, please?
  11. The Nick and Nora's are actually 5 ounces. Also I drink champagne in the privacy of my relaxation bunker so the champagne police don't catch me.
  12. I have those glasses they are great, but I think they are 4.5 oz. I'll measure one when I get home tonight. Same glass found at PDT , Pegu and other cocktail bars.
  13. Do you still call it a French 75 with the St. Germaine added to it?
  14. Depending on the number of guests and the number of guests drinking I would batch/bottle the cocktail you choose. Sidecars and Manhattans are great choices. You could easily add the Oriental cocktail if you get that sweet vermouth. Batching could give you the option of easily serving 2 different drinks, an aromatic/stirred cocktail and a sour/shaken cocktail.
  15. Left Hand Perfect Pear Rattlesnake Paddington Falling Leaves These have been repeated many times already.
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