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  1. I heard he's in the Philippines! I'm in the Philippines right now, and I'd LOVE to meet Tony!!! Tony, if you read this, send me a PM!
  2. those knives are taking FOREVER to get here!!!! at the mean time, should i not use these knives on acidic ingredients? heard it'll damage the knife permanently. is this an old wives' tale?
  3. What's the difference between a french slicer and a sujihiki?
  4. topic title & description says it all...
  5. I checked out the EdgePro video on YouTube and it seems simple enough. Though if I used stones, I'd think that I can probably get a sharper edge on them than I would with the pre-set angles of EdgePro....And i did get that deba. I guess I'll read some more and think it over. I just watched the video on YT and it seems you can sharpen a single-beveled knife with the edgepro. The question is whether the EP can get it as sharp as whetstones.
  6. Up until now, Bob's really helped me and I've gone too far now to not listen to his advice about stones and whatnot. These knives will be for professional use. I'll be bringing them with me to work and I'll be sharpening them at home. With that out of the way, would this edgepro thing be better for me or will Bob stand by his original advice? I checked the site out and saw that the edgepro apex 3 kit is $200.
  7. My quest for knives is complete and I'm now need stones and steels. More help would be much appreciated. This is what I've decided on: Hattori KF Gyuto, $255 Kikuichi Slicer, $105 Shun Paring, $45 Korin Ginsanko Deba, $244 That's maybe around $700 incl. shipping. The budget I've got for the stone(s) & steel(s) is 300. Go!
  8. I might have to go stainless...I dont want my choices to be restricted due to blade choice and i don't want to go carbon... Plus these knives are going to be for work. If they're going to have any affect on the food, I can't have that. And I usually place my knives in hot water until I use them.
  9. Cool! Did you get the 270mm slicer and the 165mm deba? ← I got the 240 slicer & 165 deba. my chef just gave me a raise yesterday (1 year now at the place im working at) so im thinking of buying that gelstain filet knife too...not sure yet, just thinking. and abuot the blazen chef's you recommended, that's combo steel, right? A special-alloy high carbon steel powder is then forge bonded to each surface of the blade. Finally, this core material is forge-welded between two layers of #18 chrome stainless steel and tempered to Rc 63. if so, that might be the one ill be getting...the nenox looks interesting, but when i saw the price (380?!?!) i didn't read on lol
  10. I can spend over 150 for the gyuto...seeing as i spent 250 for the deba i figure i can and should spend AT LEAST the same amount for the gyuto (the knife im going to use most). im going to get the money i need for that from the budget i set aside for the stones (i set aside 200...hope that's enough) thanks for the link....thats the knife my chef's got! the vg10 -- i see it scored high on his review. thanks for the help bob
  11. I've bought knives now... I got the slicer, paring & deba -- the ones you've recommended. I'm holding on the Gyuto...Since it's the knife I'll use the most, maybe you can recommend me some more? I was wondering, is the Gyuto flexible enough to be used as a fillet knife? I just ate at a sushi bar earlier and the chef took the salmon off the skin using a gyuto...Was it his skill or is it actually flexible?
  12. Ahh, now i got ya. That's the reason I need a fillet knife. I'm going to be breaking down whole salmons and snappers, so yeah, I need a flexible blade. Damn, I was excited about that deba.
  13. Seeing that video makes me wonder what the flexible blade the fillet knife has is for. How did he take off the skin so easily without that flexible blade? Is the edge of a deba on an acute angle or something? What knife is he using? I checked out my Chef's knife, he's got a masamoto vg10 gyuto, what are the thoughts on that? any specific reason you'd recommend the kikuichi over the hiromoto slicer? and miles, why would i want a patina?
  14. okay. an above poster mentioned a deba. what's that knife for? gyuto: i saw a hattori one online and was wondering why you didn't (or don't) recommend the hattori...is it because of the price? santoku: you've convinced me =) fillet: any other you'd recommend? utility: i'm not going to get a utility anymore...decided that id rather redirect the money to something else. slicer: the slicer's also good for both cooked & raw meats (tenderloin, lamb) & fish, right? + what's the difference between TJ-95AS + TJ-95G3 over at http://www.japanesechefsknife.com/TenmiJyurakuSeries.html? other than the price boning: any more recommendations? though the mac looks real good to me. from your suggestions, here's how it looks: MAC boning $72 SHUN paring $45 HIROMOTO slicer $154 total so far, $271. curious about the hattori gyuto & hoping for more fillet options. thanks so much for the help, Bob, Miles & Dick
  15. Do you think that's 300 covers for the entire day or just for dinner?
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