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Student Chef

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  1. Hello! I need some help with a Culinary class project. We are supposed to come up with recipes for all of the 26 dishes served by Escoffier at Christmas dinner in 1905. (The menu is in the back of the Escoffier book.) Then we need to cost out three of the dishes, ingredient by ingredient, to see how much it would cost to produce per portion at today's prices. It sounds like a good learning experience, but actually I am having a lot of trouble identifying some of the dishes. What are Sylphides de Roitelets? Etoile de Berger, anyone? What would Tortue Verte be as an hors d'oeuvres? (Surely not a soup, right?) How about Les D'elices de St. Antoine? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Here is an example of an Escoffier menu- for the President of France and the King and Queen of Norway, in 1908. Menu du Diner Offert par M. le President Fallieres a LL. MM le Roi et la Reine de Norvege 27 Mai 1908 Melon frappé Consommé Théodora Crème de Volaille à l’ancienne Truites Saumonée u vin du Rhin Poulets de grain à la Parisienne Selle de Pré-salé Forestière Foies gras frais glacés au Xérès Granité à l’orange Sorbets au kummel Dindonneaux au truffés Jambons d’York au Champagne Salade Gauloises Asperges d’Argenteuil sauce Crème Poires Crassanes Friandises Dessert Pity I dont have the wine list for that meal! ←
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