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Posts posted by oakvilleonca

  1. I don't suppose too many on this site have used Terminal 9 (now T3). I have and it is class A dump. People are herded hither and yon and in the summer it is to die.

    Major airlines must be succeeding in keeping out the charters who must use this facility.

    So there!

  2. All:

    Thanks for the information. For a while I thought that there was no one around who was particularly interested in the Var.

    My interests focus more on the "interior". We have been to many other parts of Provence over the past several years but this next time I wanted to explore more out-of-the-way places in the Var. We have been to Canyon du Verdon area previously.

    We really like historic remote villages, twisty roads, quaint B & B's, small local restaurants, museums, gardens, cliffs, caves and the like. We will probably be starting in Nice in April 2003 and work our way N. and E. and then S. to the coast and then back to Nice airport. Ten days to two weeks in all.

    John B.

    ps. I also started and moderate a Yahoo Group called The Magic of Provence at:


  3. The Var is one part of Provence that does not get as much attention as,say, the Luberon or nearby Cotes d'Azur. We are planning a two week trip there next April. I have at least seven guide books that are helpful, but I would appreciate having members share some of your experiences.

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