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Posts posted by Fpoint

  1. What I would have liked to seen were the contestants simply getting to cook. No curve balls no disappearing sous chefs. They've done all of that to get to this point just let them create their own menu with their own ingredients. Let them shine on their own terms they certainly have earned it.

  2. The one thing I noticed was that during and after the quick fire the only name Sirio Maccioni seemed to remember was Cassey's.

    What I don't get is why did Brian get off so lightly for using a pre-made pheasant sausage in what was supposed to a basic chicken dish. This seemed like him 'not cooking' yet again. There was more talking about what Cassey called her dish than to Brian's skirting the rules.

  3. Maybe so, but I still think Tom looked a bit out of sync with his get-up.  It wasn't really a show about good guys and bad guys, even cool hip guys on airplanes, so much as it was supposed to be about new entrees for first class passengers on Continental.  What Tom wears or Padma's jewelry isn't the main focal point of the show, nor should it be.

    I also though Tom came off as trying a little too hard to be cool. In fact my first response was too laugh when he first appeared in the get up. Trying to impress a certain guest judge perhaps?

  4. Poor Hung. He wins a challenge and gets a cookbook by Padma. Worst. Prize. Ever.

    No the worst prize was Sara's when for winning her challenge they gave her a lame round of applause form the judges. Then to rub it it Cassey gets a laptop and then two first class tickets anywhere in the world.

  5. I agree, but I was under the impression that the guset judge provided the "prize", not Top Chef people.

    When the guest judges provide a prize it is some thing they have done like a book or some of their wine. They will present it to, and congratulate the winner. This time Padama just pulled out a lap top from under the table and gave it to Cassey. The guest judge(I still don't know who he is) never touched it and said nothing.

    And Geoffrey Zacarian who was the guest judge during Sara's win does have books out.

  6. I feel very bad for Sara.

    'Trey and CJ winners for creating one frozen pasta dish over the course of two days here's a trip to Italy.'

    'Cassey winner for creating one cold hors doeuvre here's a brand new lap top.'

    'Sara winner for taking on the role of executive chef(which means if your team loses, short of one of your team mate setting a judge of fire, you're pretty much going home) and all of the responsibilities that go along with that job. For getting Hung to calm down and cook. For getting Howie to act as a team mate for the first time. For creating several dishes. and for overseeing an extremely successful dinner service and leading your team to victory please accept a half-assed round of applause from the judges.'!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I was stunned when from out of nowhere this laptop appears and is given to Cassey. And Sara was standing beside her, with CJ. She was Surrounded by people who got some really great prizes.

    Top Chef has never shied away from any sort of product placement. The show is blatantly full of product shots. So much so that it is laughable at times.But his prize came out of nowhere with none of that. It almost as is someone said 'The cute girl won someone go get something cool and expensive.'

    If I was Sara I would be PISSED!!!!!!!

  7. If Giada is successful and the Today Show hires her as one of the hosts of the expanded show this Fall, then hot tomatoes for her. 

    They have already announced that she is one of the four (which seems like a lot) new co-hosts for the new forth hour.

    I care because for once, just once, I'd like to see a cook on Food Network be true to the serious side of food and cooking and leave it at that.  Just a simple show ala Rick Stein's Food Heroes on BBC America.  That's all.  A simple show and a simple cook who doesn't care about 'standing out on The Today Show plaza' greeting the fans of Chris Brown, the latest hip-hop boy toy.

    I see your point regarding the seriousness of food. But with regards to FN that isn't going to happen. It is, rightly or wrongly, style over substance. We saw it clearly during the airing of The Next Food Network Star. It was all about personality. FN execs have stated before they do not want another Julia Child type.

  8. I too thought it was odd that she first stared co-hosting the third hour and figured it was probably just an on air try hour for the up and coming forth hour. And she eventually got the gig.

    What I also thought at the time was how bad she was. She was really like a fish out of water. Stumbling over her words(that's Anne Curry's job) Losing her place (Curry again) Looking into the wrong camera. Dead air time. There are a multitude of excuses about why she was so bad. Nerves live tv, etc...

    But what got me was thinking back to the recent Next food Network Star series when she was judging. She was rude, obnoxious, dismissive and generally full of herself talking down to people with little or no experience on TV. Yet here she is a few weeks later like a deer in the headlights. She was no better that the contestants she was picking on and she was the one with the experience...and the attitude. She simply could not back herself up.

  9. Not scheduled to start until September we already have controversy: Kitchen Nightmare Lawsuit (N.Y.)

    Not exactly a surprise but this is going to generate a ton of publicity for Fox. Basically Ramsay and co. are being sued for alleged staging of scenes and (alleged) villification of a staff member in the featured restaurant.

    Interesting to note that this past summer the producers and broadcaster admitted that a spearfishing sequence from his 'F Word' TV show was staged. Ramsay was a part of it as he claimed to have caught the fish in question...


  10. He comes across as someone who will do anything for money.

    I have not seen this but I heard he was selling cat food not too long ago. If this is true how can one take him seriously as a chef?

    I did see a car commercial where he and a lady are heading from the market to a picnic. They buy a fish and it stinks up the car. In other words the chef bought a bad fish. It's not a bad thing to poke fun at oneself. But if you are serious about your professionalism perhaps it's best not to imply you don't know how to shop for food.

    At one point in his blog he refers to himself as an entertainer. Just how does he figure he dose that?

    How ever there is a small part of me that feels a little sorry for the guy. I sure he never in his wildest dreams did he envision the disaster that the show turned out o be.

  11. Finally saw this show have to say not impressed in the least. He was in Taiwan and after about a minute I got fed up him hearing about how stinky the tofu was. But he keeps going on about how bad it smelled. Then he goes to a restaurant, still talking about the smell. The proprietor cooks him a special meal. He sits in her restaurant with her food in front of him, still talking about the bad smell and saying he was grossed out by the ingredients. He then takes a bite makes a face, utters a sound and then proceeds to spit it out into his napkin and says how he can't eat it. It was like watching a, bad mannered, child eat.

    I like the premise of the but if you're going to do a show on 'bizarre' foods at least have a host who has the (place your metaphor here) to eat the food in question and not act like a spoiled brat!

  12. I recently read White's book followed right after by Ramsay's.

    Personally I enjoyed White's book more. It seemed better written and a little more honest. Where Ramsay seems a little less so and a little more of the shock value swearing, for the sake of it, and comments that really don't need to be there. But both are interesting reads.

  13. Another confusing moment was when Daniel Boulud walked in.  No, not confusing to see one of the most talented and revered chefs of the day to appear as a judge on Top Chef.  But Boulud and Red Robin?

    I think what we have here is the collision of two forces of reality TV. The first is the almighty product placement. Second in this case is celebrity. It's a bit of a chicken and egg thing going on. I don't know if they got the endorsement deal or Boulud to sign on first. (although I'm sure in the case of Bertoli and Rocco was part of the package.)

    In this case they were able to pair. A hamburger chain with a celebrity chef who, arguably, was one one of the first high end chefs to take the burger and turn it into a high end item.

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