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Cupcakes Rule

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Posts posted by Cupcakes Rule

  1. My church used to have a club like that. We met once a month and each person/couple brought one dish. The general theme was cooking around the world so each month we would agree on a different country and bring authentic dishes from that country. It was nice for about a year and then it sort of dwindled away as people got too busy.

  2. not to sound like an ass, but maybe its from the splash of vinegar?

    to me bokchoy should taste like really green celery mixed with a little cucumber, meaning its a very mild green

    You don't sound like an ass. :biggrin: I sometimes add the vinegar because it helps mask the bitterness. Maybe the bok choy I'm getting is old, it sounds like I'm the only one with this problem.

  3. Maybe I'm being overly sensitive about the bitterness. The way I usually cook it is in a little olive oil, s&p, then sometimes a splash of balsamic vinegar. I'm not sure what it is about bok choy, it seems like it's usually bitter yet there have been a few time when there wasn't even a hint of bitterness. I guess I'm being too picky, thanks for the tips anyhow. :smile:

  4. I have some fresh bok choy that I want to cook, but it usually comes out bitter. There have been occasions I've had it and it wasn't bitter yet I don't remember how it was cooked to get the bitterness out. Can anyone point me in the right direction on getting that bitter taste out?

    Thanks in advance! :biggrin:

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