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Chef William

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Posts posted by Chef William

  1. You got to experience a cluster****, that alone is worth something. Don't forget the experience.

    Very good advice. I am in a similar situation myself, the ex. chef and sous chef are always fighting, the sous chef won't follow directions because he doesn't like the ex. chef, and the sous chef just half-asses everything he does.

    I have learned soooooo much of what NOT to do from those two guys its not even funny.

    Thinking about it, its terrible, but I think it is something good for me to experience at the same time.

    Good luck!

  2. A couple days into my first job as a dishwasher, I'm called into the kitchen by my Chef and in this semi-frantic tone [it was a busy night, and I was a little nervous to be talking to this guy, so I had a pretty big sense of urgency] he tells me that I need to go find him the parsley curler on the fly. I eventually made my way back to Chef empty handed after having searched the entire kitchen/upstairs storage and asked just about everyone in the kitchen.

    I finally found out that it was a joke about a week later.

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