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Casey Hartlip

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Posts posted by Casey Hartlip

  1. Yes, that would be Cali-bear, but not from Mendo. NOT that we don't have our share right here at Eaglepoint! One of my huntin' buddies got this black bear some where up in the Sierras, that's all I know.

    The pork is certainly Mendo as it came from a friend's vineyard in Hopland. I get calls from these folks quite often to help with population control. Hogs have no problem getting under deer fencing, since they can dig so well with their noses. And yes, the damage can be extensive to soils and even the vines themselves. I've seen vines pulled over from BIG hogs eating the grapes in the fall.

    Then there's turkeys...We're starting to get over run with those darn buggers. Good thing they taste so good!

  2. Thanks for the welcoming words Mary and Carrie!

    Another weather update:

    Add another inch-and-a-half to the total! I could hear it raining most of the night last night. Its come so fast now that we're seeing RUNOFF! Some of these little streams are running a bit. I had to go out yesterday and check some culverts and ditches just to make sure everything was okay.

    I'm throwing a surprise 60th birthday party for my South African buddy who stays with us every year. It would be nice if maybe it might stop for a few hours while people are arriving and driving home, but I'm not going to ASK the weather gods for that. One of my buddies is bringing bear chili, and I'm cooking a wild pork ham YUM!

  3. Just dumped an inch and three quarters of beautiful rain water from my gauge this morning. The funny thing is there's not a single mud puddle to be found. Mother Earth just soaked up the stuff and said, "Thank you may I have another!" :biggrin:

  4. It's wet and pretty cold up here in the great northwest (well Mendocino County anyway). This rain couldn't have happened at a better time. My flowering plums are very close to popping and I have an almond tree that has some blooms open.

    I don't want my grapes getting silly and thinking its spring yet.

    Nice to get back into some 'pot roast' weather. Gonna put a hunk of grass fed beef in a pot and cook the darn thing for most of the day and whip out a bottle of Syrah come dark! Hope we get some snow this month!


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