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Everything posted by beerguyjim

  1. Agreed, and ironically, the brewer is the one making the crime possible.
  2. that's a pretty extreme generalization. and in my experience, not all that accurate. How else do you explain drinking from the bottle when glasses are readily available?
  3. That's an interesting question, and the short answer would have to be that the head doesn't exist. Presumably the sensory experience (tactile, at least) is similar to drinking from a glass, but I haven't tried it. Of course, the primary market for this package is people who drink from the bottle in bars, i.e., people who are concerned about how cool they look to others, but really aren't concerned about the taste of the beer they're drinking.
  4. Please tell me how one can drink straight from the bottle and taste the beer. Taste is perceived through the sense of smell.
  5. I've heard of Waggle Dance, but the one I know is brewed by Young's.
  6. I believe the St Louis Brewery (Schlafly's) made a Holy Smoke beer for the Pope's visit to their town.
  7. beerguyjim


    Cantillon produces a wide range, Hanssens Gueuze and Kriek are available in the US, I've only seen Gueuze from Drei Fonteinen, Oud Beersel is gone, but Kriek and Gueuze still seem to be plentiful, Boon has Geuze, Framboise, Kriek.
  8. beerguyjim

    Huber Bock

    But the Canadian business occurred under Labatt's watch IIRC.
  9. I would have to check to be sure, but I believe a yeast culture was used.
  10. Here's some refresher info on Anchor's Ninkasi brew: http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m3469/1...cle.jhtml?term= If the link doesn't work, just google on ninkasi and you'll find it.
  11. Ha! I figure they must be right because there's no way they could dream up something like ESB. But I'm surprised that a brewery with the credentials of Portland Brewing Co would make an ESB with an -ator name.
  12. It says in the story that its an ESB.
  13. I've heard that Snow Cap has changed, and your description leads me to believe this might be true.
  14. I doubt that it was a double bock. Much more likely a dubbel, a Trappist or abbey-style brown ale.
  15. I would give high marks to Gouden Carolus Grand Cru of the Emperor 2003 and Unibroue Terrible. I have heard great things about De Dolle Oerbier Reserva, but haven't had a chance to try it. Looking forward to Dominion Oak Barrel Stout finally showing up in 6pks soon.
  16. If you want a decent low-carb beer, look for a German diat pils.
  17. I'm trying to figure out how a person could drink that good Bell's beer and follow it up with PBR.
  18. Try Royal Imports, Cincinnati, OH, 513.241.4270.
  19. Bourbon County Stout is now available in bottles.
  20. To my knowledge the only Berliner Weisse sold in the US is Berliner Kindl Weisse. The importer also provides the syrups. See http://www.bunitedint.com
  21. For travelers, Shenandoah is pretty close to the Van Dorn St exit on the Beltway between the Wilson Bridge and Springfield.
  22. What is bourbon stout? If it's what I think it is, where can I get some? For several years OD has been putting its stout in used bourbon barrels and serving it at their brewpub. The brewery has been working to replicate it by adding flavorings to the stout, since it wouldn't be practical to age in bourbon barrels on a large scale. Incidentally, old habits die hard, but it's no longer ATF that confers label approval. It is now the Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB).
  23. Geary's HSA has been year-round for quite some time now.
  24. HopDevil is a great one, but sometimes I'm in the mood for Storm King.
  25. And which one is that?
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