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Everything posted by EmilyG

  1. A generous scoop each of the egg salad, cranberry chicken salad, and tuna pasta salad from the Whole Foods salad bar...yep, $9.50 worth of mayonnaise. This month is going to be a doozy.
  2. Half a family sized bag of Ruffles and kraft pre-made french onion dip...oh, the shame.
  3. I will pack my own lunches instead of eating disgusting, overpriced cafeteria food.
  4. Thanks so much for your input. Girasole was one of the tour companies I was considering.
  5. Inspired by Daddy-A's Excellent French Adventure, I have decided to set aside a portion of my Italian honeymoon for a walking tour. Does anyone have any experience with companies that organize walking tours in Italy? Has anyone been on one? Thanks in advance for your help.
  6. I agree. USC or Gramercy Tavern. I enjoyed many special occasions at both when I was a kid.
  7. I think you're talking about Hiram's. It's really, really good.
  8. The following is from http://www.ridgewoodchamber.com/ The Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce would like to introduce "Restaurant Week - 2008". From Monday - Thursday, January 28 - January 31, 2008 and Monday - Thursday, February 4 - February 7, 2008 please join the participating restaurants for a prix-fixe menu. For these eight days, participating restaurants are offering you the chance to experience dining in Ridgewood like never before. Each chef is preparing a tantalizing, 3 course, prix-fixe menu for your dining pleasure. Choose from 3 appetizers, 3 entrees and 3 desserts for the dinner that is just right for you, for only $20.08. Participating in RESTAURANT WEEK is Blend Restaurant, Café Tulip, Dim Sum Dynasty, GEN Hibachi & Asian Cuisine, It's Greek To Me, LaCambusa, LaPiazza Bistro Italiano, Latour, A French American Grill, Lisa's Turkish Kitchen, Mediterraneo Restaurant, Natalie's Special Café, The Office Bear Bar & Grill, Sushi Sakurabana, Wasabi Restaurant, Wild Ginger, Winberie's, The Wine Seller, Cervino's Wine Cottage, Super Cellars Wines. Anyone have any experience with these restaurants? Greek to Me and Wild Ginger are chains with locations in Hoboken, so I wouldn't be running to make reservations at either.
  9. I am glad to hear that some are still enjoying DD. I have reservations to go for Valentines Day and have been really looking forward to it! Do either of you have any specific recommendations? I will be sure to put in my two cents after I've been.
  10. Here in Hoboken we love our mozzarella. A local deli makes hot roast beef subs with "mutz" and gravy Thursdays and Saturdays and people line up down the block for it. Out of towners always think it sounds gross...that is, until they try it. In case roast beef and mutz fails to turn you off, how about tuna salad and mutz? corned beef and mutz, with mustard? Those are Friday's and Tuesday's special sandwiches, respectively. Guess what- they're delicious.
  11. Sorry! Lahmajun are meat pies of Turkish or Armenian origin. Here's what wikipedia has to say about them (with a good picture): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lahmajun When I was in elementary school, I had an Armenian friend who was embarrassed about her lahmajun lunches. Of course I was always willing to trade her my PB & J. Finding this place really brought back good memories.
  12. I've been working out of a Doctor's office in Cliffside Park for the past month, and I kept passing this storefront with a big sign that says Lahmajun. I decided to go in on Friday and see what they had to offer. It's not much of a shopping experience- you talk to the shopkeeper through a window (kind of like a bank teller), and you can't look at the merch before you buy. Also they sell their lahmajun by the dozen ($11.50 for beef, but they also have chicken and veg). On the other hand, I cannot speak highly enough of the lahmajun. I made some lentil soup last night and put a few in the oven, and it made a great, cheap, and quick meal. They would make great hors d'oeuvres for a party, or can just be heated up for a fast snack. The place is called Middle East Lahmajun and it's at 355 Anderson Ave in Fairview.
  13. Details please!
  14. There's a block full of Indian restaurants and shops on Newark Ave, just a couple of blocks from Journal Square. I like the Dosa place a lot. I don't know if it would be worth coming from Manhattan for, but it's spicy, delicious and cheap.
  15. I love Cucharamama! I think it is the single best restaurant in Hoboken. Their cocktails are also incredible. A word to the wise: their appetizers, while delish, are freakishly small. I'm talking two or three bites, for $8 or so. The entrees are much more generously portioned. We had the white bean soup and roast leg of pork when we were there last, and we really enjoyed our meal. Hope you like it as much as I do.
  16. Thanks, Chris. I will be sure to post about my experience in order to whet your appetite.
  17. I'm planning an early July drive up to Montreal, mainly to eat at APdC. Am I going to be able to get reservations, or am I too late? Anyone know what the PDC grilled cheese is? Thanks in advance for any info. I can't wait to go!
  18. I eat at the Hoboken branch every couple of weeks. Since it's BYOB, it ends up being a fairly good deal. Their salads are very fresh and they are competant at the grill. It's not groundbreaking food, but it's good enough.
  19. I bought a very well insulated lunch bag at Target today for $3.50. You may be able to find something similar in your area. My favorite sturdy sandwich is turkey, sharp cheddar, and apple on multigrain bread or baguette with grainy mustard. I find that grainy mustard is drier than Dijon, and apples don't make the bread soggy. It helps to start with a drier bread. On the other hand, I have had a hard time finding good apples lately... Great thread topic! I am always interested in hearing about new sandwich fillings.
  20. Thanks everyone for all the great suggestions! I never intended to carry around a Thanksgiving dinner in my pockets, just a couple of small things to snack on (hence the thread title). Keeping condiments in my locker is a fantastic idea. I'm on vacation in San Francisco right now and I've been swiping jams and jellies from the breakfast table, and little ketchups and mustards from discarded room service trays. Is rummaging through other peoples' trash unprofessional too? Gosh, I hope not. I even found organic beef jerky at the Ferry Building. That's definitely going into the locker. Room temperature dairy products gross me out a little, so thanks for the tip on freezing the go-gurt. Apple sauce cups sound great. I'm definitely going hunting in the Whole Foods snack section when I get home. Thanks for all of your support!
  21. Hi All. I'm starting my 3rd year of medical school in a few days, and near the top of my list of fears and apprehensions is... what am I going to eat during those 24 hour shifts? I have a locker, but I don't know whether I'll be able to visit it regularly, so I need to prepare an arsenal of snacks that I can tuck into my pocket between my reflex hammer and my PDA. Any ideas other than trail mix and energy bars? What about snacks of other sizes that can stay in my locker for the long haul? Thanks in advance for your help.
  22. I have to enthusiastically second the recommendation for Anthony David's. Their back room is very cozy and the food is really good. If at all possible, you should schedule the party for Tuesday through Thursday (or is it Monday through Thursday?), when they offer a tasting menu for $35. It's one of the best dining deals around. I too love Cucharamama. It's worth looking into if you want very creative, unique food. A third suggestion is Lua. I have never been there, but have heard good things about the food, although I think the fun, festive atmosphere may be the real draw there. Also, its easily accessible (almost within spitting distance) from the ferry, which might be a fun way for the bride to arrive, if the weather is nice. http://www.luarestaurant.com/ http://www.anthonydavids.com/
  23. I can't stand eclairs, napoleons, sfogliatelle (sp?)...anything with pastry cream just grosses me out. Most flans are also not to my taste. I think it's the flavor of eggs combined with sugar. Yuck.
  24. EmilyG

    Cold Roasted Chicken

    How about a bagna cauda? http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/re...6_25344,00.html Serve your chicken with the warm sauce, some green beans, sliced radishes, endive, etc... It's not exactly low cal, but between the olive oil and the anchovies, there are only good fats.
  25. After two years of being stranded in Hoboken, I am finally getting a parking spot! Now, I don't have to be afraid that if I drive to dinner, I'll be looking for parking until breakfast. How exciting, huh? I'm really looking forward to exploring the Korean food options in Fort Lee, Ridgefield Park, etc... but I don't know where to start. If anyone has any ideas, they would be greatly appreciated. I'm also interested in hearing about non-Korean restaurants in Hudson and Bergen county. Are there any places to get dim sum? They only good Chinese restaurant I know of is China 46. Is there anything else? Thanks in advance!
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