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The amazing flavours of Will

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  1. I'd be quite up for a feast like Trimalchio's - especially with the ceremonial slaying of the stuffed wild boar! I don't think that fondling the waitors would go down too well these days though...
  2. OK this is a guess too, but the word 'assassin' comes from Hashshashin. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashshashin. Hence hash is appropriate?
  3. Well thanks for the wealth of information - I shall certainly be using the recipe you posted for me Ludja when I want to make a special stock. It looks as though the problems could be the carrot peelings, broccole stems and myriad vegetable seeds I tip in. As for turning the heat off - I don't actually do that. I simmer the whole lot for 90 mins, strain and reduce until the flavour is sufficiently concentrated. I'm hoping to get the art down because I like the idea of 'something for nothing' which comes from using the discarded vegetable bits. The only vegetables I like to add whole are shitake mushrooms - they seem to really 'beef' up the flavour (literally, in fact). Once again - your replies are really appreciated guys :-)
  4. Hi, since we started getting our vegetable box delivered each week I began saving the ends of vegetables (leeks, carrots, onion skins, broccoli ends et cetera) and putting them into a freezer bag. When the bag is full I simmer and then reduce the whole lot as a stock and put it in a tupperware container. The problem is that the stock invariably ends up quite bitter. I'm not placing potatos, stalks or garlic into the stock so what am I doing wrong? Does anybody else make stock from vegetable peelings like this and have you got any tips to share? Many thanks, Will
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