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Everything posted by chef_mico

  1. Damn!!!! That's gotta hurt!!!
  2. Heh, yeah, we also did the "sword" thing, except using an 8 or 10 inch chef's knife. One time another guy who happened to walk behind the "batter" came inches from getting badly sliced. Did the baseball thing too. ← I did something like that in my old job. we wanted to know who had the sharpest knife in the kitchen, we would get pineapples, lay one standing, and with swift slice, you should cut the pinapple in half without it seperating and falling off. My first attemp sent half the pineapple flying.
  3. I just remembered, 5 years ago, it was like a few days from christmas, every filipino household would have lechon (whole roast pig) on their tables for noche buena (it's a sumptuous Filipino meal by 12 midnight on Christmas eve). Well anyway, me and my dad we're looking for that perfect looking and tasting lechon. We we're going from store to store (all lechon vendors) looking for the best place to order, we ended at store which sadly i forgot the name, that's not the point, we tried some lechon, the meat so succulent and tender, and so damn juicy and full of flavor, and the best part, the oh so crisy skin. The skin of the lechon is always the first to disappear, so people who eat last end up with skinless lechon. While we we're enjoying tasting and making our order , there was another customer beside us also inquiring of getting a lechon. There were negotiating. It was just common "i like some extra blah blah blah" or something like that. Here's the funny/weird/odd part, some way through their conversation, i couldn't help but eaves drop on the customer, he said in tagalog; "Pwede ba bunutin lahat ang mga ngipin ng baboy, kasi ayokong nakikitang nakangiti siya sa amin habang kumakain kami, nakakakonsiyentiya eh" Translation: Is it possible that all the teeth of the pig be pulled out because i don't want to see it smiling while we are eating, my conscience can't take it. That was the first time in my whole life i've heard something like that. Me, my dad smiling looked at the vendor, he had a puzzled look, it's probably the first time of such request. He just said unsurely "pwede siguro" or "maybe it can be done" while looking at us (probably saying, is this guy for real???).
  4. Has anyone tried the Chroma Type 301 10" Chef Knife? What are your thoughts on it? How about the Calphalon Catana series knives?
  5. Hmmm, juicy fat, clog arteries...yummy!!!
  6. Yikes!!! How could you drink that?
  7. That guy has got some serious issues.
  8. All your comments and experiences we're funny, loved reading them, well in the end the customer is always right.
  9. Has a customer ever asked you for the oddest or weirdest request for food??? Well, there was a time during one of our food tastings for upcoming weddings, a guy approach me and my friend about some food request for his wedding next year. We were enthusiatic about it, he asked us what we could offer, we asked him what he would like... here's the juicy bits which shocked us.... The client wanted to serve exotic food in his wedding, exotic is okay but not super extreme cuisine, well here are some examples of what he wanted.... He wanted dishes made from a "Pawikan". A pawikan is a big turtle in Palawan which is already endangered and is protected by the law. He also wanted "SAWA". A sawa is filipino term for "Phyton", he wanted a stew out of it cooked in adobo sauce. We were like, holy crap!!! We just told him "Sorry but we can't do that kind of thing, because it is illegal to kill endangered animals, he said he would pay a hefty amount if we would do it. We just told him that we don't want to jeopardize the name of our company. We told him we just can't do it. He was pissed when he left, but we would never stoop down just because he would pay us a lot of dough. We love and respect nature and all.
  10. The most dumbest thing i ever did was catch a falling knife during my culinary school days, it was a real bleeder, i didn't want to see what was underneath all that blood because it was real nasty, and it was really painful. Didn't need stitches though, but i couldn't open my hand for about a week and i had to take a bath with a bag over it so it wouldn't get wet. It was a very uncomfortable to wash...if you know what i mean. That's why i have a 2 inch scar on my left palm as a reminder of how careless i was back then. Just remembering it just makes my spine tingle. That's why just let the knife fall if you drop it, so what if it's an expensive knife, it's better than losing a digit or worse your hand.
  11. You know when you're an e-Gulleteer when every food item you see looks good to eat whether you know or not what it is.
  12. I used to be a Henckels kind of guy, but after getting myself a Global santoku knife, i just fell in love it. It's much easier to sharpen and maintain the edge compared to the henckels which takes forever to sharpen. I just have to be careful when sharpening the Global because i find the metal on the soft side. That's just my opinion. Cheers!!!
  13. Hi there, im a newbie here, anyway...there was a time when i started cooking, i didn't know how to use MSG, i was cooking something back then and i find that MSG taste better than salt, so laced the dish with lots of it, it tasted...i don't know...funny? and my head started spinning, so i had to blow. My mother asked me what happened to me then i explained to her the situation, she said that i was stupid for using too much of MSG because you could actually get sick from it and some people are allerigic to it. After that i learned my lesson and i still use it but sparingly, just a pinch goes a long way. When i was in culinary school the chefs didn't want any of us touching MSG, they say it's wrong, they say if you use it you're a lousy cook and you might as well be a shoemaker of some sort. Being called a shoemaker hurts. But when i started working, in restaurants, or hotels, the chefs there don't mind using it, well it does give an extra boost of flavor to food. A little bit of it will do just fine.
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