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  1. Kbear919

    Soup Helper

    When fresh local ingredients are not available I will do what anyone else would do! Find the best alternative! It doesn't have to be 100% out of my backyard per se. Also I have tons of great recipes and have cooked them many times! So far i've got: Tomato Mushroom Bisque Red Lentil Soup With Lemon Beef and Butternut Squash Stew Curried Pumpkin Soup Sweet Corn and Truffle Chowder Mac N Cheese Soup Ginger Carrot Soup Crab Chowder French Onion Soup to name a few!
  2. Kbear919

    Soup Helper

    do you have any information on getting my kitchen certified? how would I go about doing so?
  3. Kbear919

    Soup Helper

    does anyone have an incredible recipe to share?
  4. Kbear919

    Soup Helper

    yummy yummy! thanks for the kind words, would love to hear from others!
  5. Kbear919

    Soup Helper

    May I ask people....what their favorite homemade soup is?
  6. As we all have enjoyed reading and assisting with burger helper. I have begun to start to think about starting a little venture. I am starting a company called Village Soups which I will begin to start out of my home with hopes to grow and expand to my own brick and mortar place someday. With fall approaching and my love of making delicious soups I have always loved the feeling of eating and cooking soups. I have always followed the success of the Soup Peddler in Austin Texas and would like to carry on this concept here in Columbus, Ohio. I turn to my fellow E-gulleters to help, assist, provide ideas, and wonderful recipes? I would start by just giving away my first few batches of soup to get some positive energy flowing, followed by selling soup subscriptions around 10 dollars for a quart of wonderful homemade soup. I make my own stocks by boiling bones for hours and use fresh local ingredients! I would then deliver my soup once per week to peoples homes or places of work. I'm working with a few local graphic artists on logos, investing in a 2nd fridge and perfecting soups as well as reading a lot as well! Look forward to your wonderful ideas, inspirations and overall great karma.
  7. brick and mortar, franchising home made vendor carts? fish sandwiches? I mean talk about spreading yourself thin...what happened to stick to a small plan and do amazing things with just a few items. I mean next thing you know you could be taking apart a car and then setting your eyes on joining GM and Ford. Take the recipe stealth machine and the fish sandwiches and re-think.....
  8. could it be that the secret program is passed down through the masonic temple? I've noticed you've changed your avatar...
  9. so wait your saying ketchup is ketchup there is no reason to distinguish a good one from a not so good one.... Heinz has built an empire out of this...yet your discounting it... you also mentioned that your having problems developing the cola. Maybe use the "secret" computer program to replicate PEPSI..since you don't like coke... I'm not trying to rain on anyone parade but when "knowledge is power" and street lingo becomes involved in all this it kinda discredits all this Cooperation that has helped you get this far... Is anyone else reading these messages raising a red flag about this secret computer program or am i on an island by myself?
  10. Well, I dont like Coke...More a a Pepsi kind of guy...unless its with 151, then there is no sub for coke. The tricky part is the "Natural Flavors" That could be anything. But with say...Ice cream...its lets you know the combonations of things that were used and what could be used to get the same tast. Its also based on the Nutrition Facts lable on the product. Now it cant do like a package of cookies...but a 5gal tub of ice cream...that it can do because there is enough product there to get a good sample of a batch....but this is somthing I will use wisely....dont want to go around "tasting" like someone esle. ← so wait your telling us that the this stealth probe/computer program only deals with large batches? It's dead on for a 5 gallon bucket of ice cream but not a package a cookies? Huh? Here's an idea use 5 boxes of cookies instead of 1! If this is the case, go buy a whole case of 2 liters of coke! while your at it get a few 5 gallon buckets of Heinz ketchup...and let us in on the secrets... Magus, lets return to earth here friend...your discounting yourself with this secret computer program your telling us of and you also need to wake up and realize that soda development should be the LEAST of your worries... just admit that the franchising idea got to your head too quickly and that the computer program is fake...
  11. "Also...I now have a computer program that can reverse engineer any sauce or product. The only downside is that when the conversion comes out...it is for mass production. " If you have a spare minute can you plug in Coca-Cola and let me know the reverse engineering on this... Did you get a hold of a stealth probe which allows you to do this?
  12. WOW...That looks like alot of work. Sounds good...but looks like a lot of work. ← the big 9 has 2 patty's? and bacon? is that right? what kind of buns are you using?
  13. magusgood work just wondered... what are your prices? How many ounces is each burger patty? your still using the frozen ones right?
  14. instead of thinking of wacky ideas such as making your own buns or introducing sweet potatoes fries or a blue cheese burger...FOCUS ON THE BASICS...
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