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Posts posted by Sobel1746

  1. Went to meme last night ( Sunday) . Really enjoyed the food, and the vibe of the place. It feels as though every table is a chef's table since you can hear the ticket machine, the chef expediting the food, and calling for "pick ups" across the restaurant. The general vibe i got was that the attention is to the ingredients and the techniques in which they are cooked. We got a quick glance at the kitchen on our way out, no immersion circulators or Co2 chargers, just a large cook range. There is a back to basics approach that I , as a professional chef , really appreciated. The food was great. Highly recommend the place.

  2. Great dinner last night.

    While eating the skate dish i remarked to my date that there were about six well executed techniques on the plate. Truly amazing that so many different techniques, flavors and textures could come together in six courses so seamlessly.

    John... im curious about the composition of the dishes, did you each pick a course, or was each plate a collaboration ?

    ..oh yeah...... the oxtail gyoza was killer................

  3. The wife and I have been to Bar Ferdinand a few times in the past few months. The food is great and the atmosphere is even better ( fancy with out being pretentious). Has any one else paid a visit to this place yet?

  4. the old Silk City had great fried chicken and other comfort foods. I'm disappointed that they are going the route of many other restaurant in the rest of the city. How many continental rip offs do we need. doesn't this city have enough seared tuna dishes? This new silk city basically reconfirms the views made in the " Fork in the Road" article a few months back. What was wrong with the old place? It had a great vibe to it, very nostalgic setting and the food to match. Why cant we have a classic diner on spring garden? What was wrong with it? Sorry to vent......... !

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