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  1. When you have tried and failed in years past, do you get a response saying you missed or no reply at all?
  2. Carolyn, I am a new poster to the forums here, but enjoyed reading your entries in this thread about moving to SF. I grew up in Pacific Heights and now live in the Western Addition (sounds like about 6 blocks from where you are calling home now). You talked in your posting about the Mediterranean place on Fillmore and Sutter. I have eaten there a few times, but really feel that La Mediterrannee (http://www.lamediterranee.net/) on Fillmore between Sacramento and Clay is the best for that type of food on this part of town. Also, for simple solid Italian food in the area we are partial to Jackson Fillmore up the road on the corner of (you guessed it) Jackson St. and Fillmore. It can’t compete with a lot of other Italian places in town, but in our ‘hood I think it’s one of the best options.
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