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    Seattle via Atlanta
  1. Fine essay... sometimes it's refreshing to have what would seem common sense to be spelled out. Dining can be intimidating, indeed! This question is slightly related... but considering your expertise (and the fact that you mentioned wrangling children in the article), I figured it may be appropriate. What is the etiquette of dining out with children? I have a two year old and with him, there is always a certain amount of chatter and debris. The last thing I'd like to do is disturb other guests... but, eating out at just Mexican and Pho gets a little tiresome. Unfortunately, due to our monetary restraints, a babysitter is very very rare. (It's a choice between a good meal with the lad, or a cheap meal without). I try to make fairly elaborate meals at home... and I just want the same done for me at least once every week or two! There is a wealth of "kid friendly dining" suggestions out there... but sometimes I want to try some of the general suggestions I see mentioned in eG! I live in a great food city now and I want to make the most of it. He is generally an exceptionally well behaved boy, but like any toddler, he has his moments (although we can pre-gauge him well enough to know whether or not we should cancel all together). However, where should one draw the line on where they take a small child? What are the best clues? Do you have any tips on how the make the most of your dining experience with a special customer in tow? And I don't mean by the staff catering to him at all, necessarily. Thanks!
  2. And on top of that, there is salt added. Negligible or not, I'd like to know why they add it. I think the reason so many people purchase Dasani/Aquafina is that it is so readily available. Aquasani is what you are going to be offered in vending machines, lunch shops, and everywhere else marketers might think to find thirsty consumers. I have to imagine that if true spring water (which certainly isn't more expensive than our heavily marketed tap water friends) were as easy to purchase when you are at the gym, getting a sandwich, in the break room, etc. etc.... people would choose that. As for those who choose those over the better options on purpose... they must be suckers for shiny packages.
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