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Dr Tim Hogle

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Everything posted by Dr Tim Hogle

  1. This is my first post on eGullet and I am thrilled to comment on this excerpt. Nina Plank has weaved her way to culinary truth by having an open mind and tongue, then by following her curiosity to become informed, using that information to inspire experiments with personal dietary changes, and then finally by taking action (starting farmer's markets and book writing) to uphold and share her discoveries and convictions. She promotes real and honest food (which turns out to be health food after all!) and exposes commercialized food for what it is (artificial and dangerous to human health, beauty and longevity.) Her knowledge and understandings will be unpopular with those less informed or dogmatic individuals, and undoubtedly so by the food powers that be. This is a chronicle of her personal journey. We are all on our own path of discovery and Nina is an ideal role model. She has inspired me to make sure that "real food" is the only food that passes my lips (smack, smack, yum.) Thank you Nina!
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