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  1. ← Thanks Chris, Delay was only over night about 18 hours or so. I had started the process expecting a nice night in when the calls came through demanding that I go to the pub and help friends through the awful task of consuming vast quantities of beer. The brew seems to be coming along nicely now, its bubbling away in the garage and I will bottle at about 3 weeks as temps are still below 20 degrees Celsius. For the next brew I am wanting do something like a Japanese beer (Asahi super dry ect). Light bodied and very crisp, any ideas? Rom
  2. Hey All Posted a little premature, I fixed the tap with a new rubber washer and it stopped leaking. I have done the mash and have the wart is ready for the boil. I have to go out so I am going to leave it for a while and do the boil latter, Chris will this cause any problems? Regards Rom
  3. Hey all Could be a little delay with the Saison. I steralised my picnic cooler today to find out that the tap on the bottom is leaking and I feel that it may be worth getting a new one before doing the mash. To be honest it was a cooler that has been idle for a long time and is at least 10 years of age, actually I would say closer to 15 years. Till the I will let you know Chris that my homebrew shop didn’t have all the exact ingredients but I took their advise in regards to substitutes. I am using Moris Otter as the primary grain, torrified wheat, flaked Barley instead of the oats, I found the rye in a health food shop and am using fuggles instead of goldings. All the other ingredients are the same. Hopefully it will turn out fine they seem to think so. Rom
  4. The Red Ale is perfect but after trying the pale ale, at a few months of age, I will try and not to drink much more of it. I have set aside Saturday afternoon for the Saison and will do a 4 gallon batch. After the Saison I think I may do another experimental batch as I have various amounts of malts left over from each of the brews. Would it be too much of a brain explosion to throw them together and just see what happens? Oh talking about experimental batches, I bottled the Pilsenerish beer type thing and on tasting it I dont think it will be that bad. I will report further when I try my first bottle. Regards rom
  5. Hi all I have done my shop so my ingrediants will be arriving in the next day or so. I also tried a bottle of the first batch and it has improved remarkably. I was initially very happy with it but after a few months rest it has got even better, it has cleared up and the flavours have settled down and intergrated really well. I only wish I hadnt drunk 90% of it when it was young. Regards Rom
  6. Hey all Opened a few of the Red ales last night and all where really good, it has taken a month but the carbonation levels are all perfect even better than the first batch . Patience really is a virtue. Still haven’t got round to the final brew but I will hopefully sooner rather than later. regards Rom
  7. Well tempatures here are about 15 degrees celsius although it has been a bit cooler recently. I must say that my beer is been kept in the gargage so it is not the warmest part of the house.
  8. What temperature are they sitting at? It is winter time down there for you, so the temp may be low enough that the yeast have gone dormant. Warm them up to at least 20C, and agitate the bottles to re-suspend the yeast. If you're impatient to try them, and have any of the first batch around, you might try blending some of flat batch 2 into fizzy batch 1 and get an idea of what it will be like.. . Hey all Well they seem to be getting a bit fizzier, I tried one tonight and it seems be coming along. I think it is the temperature that is causing the problem and making them go slow. I am in no huge rush, so I will let them be for the next few weeks and see how they are then. Haven’t got round to the next batch yet but I am planning to do it soon, I will keep ya all updated. For those of you who like gadgets, these things look kinda cool. http://www.mashmaster.com.au Anyhow have a good one, Rom
  9. Hey All Well, I have tried the red ale and it seems that all my beers are flat. I have tried about 3 different bottles and none of them have any fizz that last more that 30 seconds or so. I am not to sure what I have done wrong, but will leave them all for another few weeks and try them, hopefully with more luck. My experimental batch seems to be going ok I think I will bottle it in a week or so and then get started on the next brew. As it happens I have an old cooler in the yard that has a spiggot and although it needs a really good scrub, it will do the job perfectly. I have looked at my big mesh bag and it seems that it wont be big enough to fit the cooler . I am thinking of either putting the grains in and tying it closed and using it like a tea bag, or getting some moscitto netting and just making one. Anyhow, not a very exciting update but I hope all is going well for you all Rom
  10. Hey Chris Most definitely Ill keep you informed. As long as it is not to sweet it might be ok if chilled icy cold for a 100-degree summer’s day and if its really bad I will just give it to people I don’t like. Rom
  11. "Load" i mean "loud"
  12. Hey all Oh well a sweet light beer I will have , I really should of done a bit more reading before jumping in the deep end, or asked on a forum but it was a spur of the moment thing and I got a bit carried away with it all. I cant say that I am totally disappointed it was a good day of listening to load music and playing around with beer stuff. I figure the more I play with things the more likely I will learn and if I have stuffed this one up well so be it. Oh damn I have to go to work tomorrow and I cant call in twice in a row. I recommend a "sick" day to you all as it does wonders for the soul. anyhow have a great day Rom
  13. Hey all Well today I woke up and decided that I would call in sick to work. After making the phone call and getting over my flu very quickly I was at a loss as to what to do with my day. Brew I thought and brew I did. I decided to go out on a limb and try something new and so went and bought some Haaz hops, lager yeast and some pilsener grain. On further reading I found out that pilseners are slightly harder to make as you have to ferment them slowly and at a low temperature. As it is in the middle of winter here I suppose it is the right time but still it rarely gets below 60. my recipe is very sketchy as I have just taken the general idea from others I saw on the internet. I am making about a 4 gallon batch with 1.3kg (2.9 pounds) of light malt, 800 grams (1.7 pounds) German pilsener grain, 200 gr (.45 pounds) of another light grain used in the last recipe, saaz hops at 60, 10 and aroma and a lager yeast. Using these ingredients, I just followed the steps as per the red ale. Well that is all, a bit of a risk but good fun experimenting and if it turns out well I will be very pleased with myself. Chris any hints and/or comments would be welcome even if you think I have probably made a batch of rubbish. Anyhow Happy brewing Rom
  14. Hi all Well I have successfully bottled my next batch (the red ale) and I think it is all ok . I didn’t get any bad smells at all and it tasted fine. One thing I did notice is that there was allot of sediment floating in the beer compared to last time. Chris, I have noticed a few recipes calling for the use of Irish Moss, what is this and what is it used for? that’s all folks, good luck with all your brews Rom
  15. Hi all Well I have successfully bottled my next batch (the red ale) and I think it is all ok . I didn’t get any bad smells at all and it tasted fine. One thing I did notice is that there was allot of sediment floating in the beer compared to last time. Chris, I have noticed a few recipes calling for the use of Irish Moss, what is this and what is it used for? that’s all folks, good luck with all your brews Rom
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