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Lauren Adler

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Posts posted by Lauren Adler

  1. Whole Foods should carry Valhrona in NYC Seth.

    Whole foods has it for something like $13/lb. I buy Valrhona wholesale for $6-8/lb. If you get into chocolate making you go through one of those 3kg tubs of feves in no time.

    So I still need ginger and cocoa - Hershey's just won't do I suppose??

    I really like the Valrhona cocoa.

    If you have access to Trader Joe's they also carry a few varieties of Valrhona (at least on the West Coast), and while I'm not sure what their price is, I can safely say it's cheaper than Whole Foods.

  2. You really need to read Wybauw's book Fine Chocolates, Great Experience.  This topic is too extensive to really cover well in a few posts.

    I am in search of the book by Wybauw, but the only reference I can find is to the book not being published until November 30, 2006. Is there a previous edition that is available? I couldn't find a reference to an old edition on Amazon and our library doesn't have it, either. I would appreciate any information on where I might be able to find this book now. Thanks!

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