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Everything posted by BakingBee

  1. I recently made some butter cookies and 'sandwiches' them with a layer of ganache. However, the moisture of the ganache turned the crispy cookies into 'soft' cookies after a night. How can I avoid this situation? Is there anyway to make ganache without using cream and milk? Thanks a lot for all your help in advance. BakingBee
  2. one stupid question...can I substitute Everclear with Vodka or other kind of liquor? I couldn't find Everclear in Asia. Thx!
  3. I want to make some cookies and the recipe asks for using marzipan. If I don't have marzipan, is there any subsitution for it? Thx!
  4. Anna and Kerry, Thanks for the info about the color cocoa butter. I will try this weekend. Bakingbee
  5. Hi Anna, Thx for your info. According to the instruction of Mycryo, it is a frozen cocoa butter. Maybe I will do some experiment on it. By the way, when we melted cocoa butter, do we have to care about the temperature before we added the powder colour? Thx! Bakingbee
  6. Hi Anna, I am a newbies for making chocolate. Could you tell me how to coated a chocolate just like your daughter did with the powdered colours and melted cocoa butter without air gun. Can I subsitute melted cocoa butter with'Mycro'? What is the formula? I did try to melt the Mycryo and added the powdered colours. Then brushed it on the chocolate mold and poured in the well-tempered chocolate. What turn out was the chocolate pieces were not shining. I would appreciate if you can give me some hints! Thx! Bakingbee
  7. Thx for the reply from you guys. I think I will first to invest a good knife. Homemade one is very difficult for a person like me who know nothing about hardware stuff. mrose, what does a 'rocker' pizza cutter look like. I would appreciate if you can show me a pic. Thx!
  8. I would like to start a small chocolate business with a very tight budget. Does anyone could advice me how to cut praline without a guitar cutter? Thx a lot!!!
  9. Hi dmalouf, I would also like to build a guitar cutter coz the professional one is not affordable for me. If you don't mind, please share your design to all of us? A photo would also be helpful. Thanks in advance!!!
  10. I wonder if I can use the candy guitar to cut the caramel? Thx!
  11. Thanks a lot, Patrick! The info that you provided is very helpful!!!
  12. [Thanks Pat, I would like to know more about it. Can you recommend where I can learn more about the theory behind (i.e.which temp at which level of sucrose, etc)? Besides, will it make any different if I changed the proportion of water and sugar?
  13. Hi, I am a newbie and so glad to find this useful forum. Recently I got a recipe from my friend. In it I have to boil sugar & water (2.2 : 1) to a thick syrup and it mentioned that 'boil to 72-73 on the refractometer'. I don't have a refractometer'. What can I do? What does that mean? Any advice? Thanks!
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