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Visiting NY and looking for Piment d'Espelette. Went to Kalustyan's but they were out (though I did find fennel pollen!). Any ideas? -Rick
Was able to make a reservation at Citronelle for tomorrow night! I love Michel Richard's cookbook, so I jumped on it right away.
We are going to be staying at the Crowne Royal on 14TH AND K STREETS, NW. Are there any must visit places near there? No problem taxiing about the city, though, if others have ideas. If we were to pick just one restaurant (not that we won't pick several) that is totally required, which would it be? What are some that are considered to be the best? Bar Pilar's food sounds phenomenal... I couldn't find a cocktail menu for it though. Central Michel Richard also looks great. Thanks Hannah.
A last minute trip to DC is in the works, and I'm really hoping to hit up some of the cooler cocktail establishments downtown. I fear I won't be able to find a stellar tiki locale, as would please my blog greatly (www.kaiserpenguin.com), but I'm definitely up for suggestions. More traditional and modern bars would be welcome too. I see there is an intense thread on good eats in DC as well, so I'll check that out. Apologies if this topic has been brought up fifty times before. Any last minute help would be more than appreciated! Drink, food, music, anything. Thanks!
Kelbo's Scorpion 3/4oz lime juice 3/4oz orange juice 1/2oz passion fruit syrup 1/2oz orgeat 1oz dark Jamaican rum 3/4oz cognac 1/2oz gin 6oz crushed ice Blend on high for 3 seconds. Pour into a fun tiki mug. This potion is so wonderfully balanced and delicious.
You beat me to it plattetude! St. Germain mixes quite interestingly with rye. My first attempt, though not miraculous, is worth a try. 2 1/2oz rye (Old Overholt) 1/2oz St. Germain 2 dashes Peach bitters (Fee's) I'm eager to give your other two a try as well.
second map link got angry. Give this a try: http://tinyurl.com/32sebn
Ok, here's my plan: Sunday: 3:30pm - Meet my host at Astor Wine and Spirits 5:00pm - Pegu Club 7:00pm - excellent rum / tiki party and meeting lots of fun strangers (including Scott from Scottes' Rum Pages - http://scottesrum.com/) map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geoc...=UTF8&z=15&om=0 Monday: 12:00pm - Jean Georges next - Essex Market next - Chinatown next - Chelsea Market 5:30pm - Rumfest at Valbella 9:30pm - PDT ??? - Death and Company map: Suggestions for changes or additions? Suggestions on transportation? I'll have my car on Sunday, but we'll be training in (from Stony Brook) and out of the city on Monday.
You are all proving to be massively wonderful at determining my schedule. Thank you so much. Keep the ideas coming! It seems like Jean Georges is the way to go. I'll give them a call to make a reservation. More as I decide. And Nathan, thanks for the kind words for Kaiser Penguin.
I'll be in NYC this coming Monday for RumFest and want to maximize my time in the city. I've only visited a couple of times but never since I became a foodie and cocktail lover. Ideally I'd like to hit: - a delicious, unique, mid-priced ($20-40) restaurant for lunch - a bar that Kaiser Penguin shouldn't miss (Pegu Club, maybe?) - a fun market that has lots of interesting foods - a liquor store that will have spirits / liqueurs I can't easily get in PA - a cigar shop if there's time Any help would be massively appreciated!
Marie Brizard Orgeat!?! Oh, the excitement. Please detail. Has anyone made their owN/
There is a recipe for Amer Picon by Jamie Boudreau in the latest issue of Imbibe.
I was vastly amused to see PA and WA immediately dismissed as "impossible to deal with" in this discussion. (not that I disagree) On the other hand, I've found that I can access nearly anything here by putting in a special liquor order directly from the company. Sometimes this requires me to purchase 6 bottles, but who wouldn't go through 6 bottles of Lemon Hart Demerara 151?
Katie! I'm not sure why I addressed you as "Karen." Perhaps trying too many MxMo recipes in one night Are the cassis SLOs available in individual bottles? I just did a few searches and see that Marie Brizard Orange Curacao is now back as an SLO - rejoice! I'm working to see if they can get the Lemon Hart Demerara 151. Thanks again for all the great info.
Karen, The Diablo is quite tasty! I just found a bottle of Marie Brizard Creme de Cassis on my travels. Have you found a reliable source in PA? My MxMo post can be found here: http://www.kaiserpenguin.com/mxmo-tequila-acapulco/ Cheers!
I've had my bottle for over a year now, and it tastes just as fine as it did on day one.
Kappy's in Peabody, on 114 near the malls, has the Apry. I was just there Saturday night and saw it. ← I'll second the find. I was just up there a few weeks ago and snatched up a couple of bottles. I hope the continue to stock it. Has anyone heard if they are continuing production of Apry and their Orange Curacao?
From Trader Vic's Revised Bartender's Guide 3oz Trader Vic Mai Tai Mix 1oz light Puerto Rican rum 2oz St. James rhum Lengthwise strip of cucumber peel Cut lime (not listed in ingredients), squeeze juice into glass with shaved ice. Add goods. Shake. Decorate with cucumber peel, spent lime shell, mint, and a fruit stick. From Grog Log, by Jeff Berry 1oz lime juice 4oz ginger ale 1 dash Angostura bitters 1oz Bourbon 1oz Gin Stir with ice, garnish with mint, orange, and maraschino cherry. Wow... these are a bit different. I can't remember off the top of my head what a good substitute is for Trader Vic's Mai Tai Mix - maybe someone else can chime in.
I hadn't seen this thread before - lots of great ideas and comments. One of my earlier Kaiser Penguin posts touched on getting the most chill for cocktails that benefit from arctic temperatures. I have found a pretty consistent (and easy) method for getting a martini down to 17 degrees without chilling the spirits first and getting just the right amount of dilution. Cocktail Chill: A Scientific Experiment A question too: How long does vermouth actually maintain its flavor once opened? I've heard everything from a few days (obviously wrong) to indefintely (also wrong). I've had varying experiences... does anyone have the official answer?
The Waikikian is also quite good. http://www.kaiserpenguin.com/waikikian/
cdh, Have you had luck getting PA to add items to their SLO list?
Katie, You mentioned you might try to remedy the fact that a certain spirit isn't carried in the state. Is there something the average consumer can do to assist in this or to take action?
I found out that I can obtain both Brugal white and Don Q in Pennsylvania. I am greatly pleased that I can also order a single bottle of each as SLOs. Any suggestion as to which to try first? Note: My goal is replace bacardi silver, which currently functions as my light Puerto Rican rum when making cocktails (i.e. Mojito, Waikikian, etc.)
Charles H. Baker's, The Gentleman's Companion - Volume II: The Exotic Drinking Book makes multiple uses of lemon phosphate. My minimal internet search turned up nothing useful. I was thinking it was a lemon soda of sorts, but some recipes call for dashes... Anyone know?
Katie, I didn't find it too evil to place an SLO. Quick phone call, wait a week, pick it up at your local store... I'm not sure how close you live to Delaware, but I was there last weekend and was easily able to find some stuff that is harder to get here: Noilly Prat (sweet and dry) Punt e Mes Martinique Rum (St. James) Rhum Barbancourt Not that I bought any...