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  1. Chufi, Was just wondering if you have a recipe for Kletskoppen (I think that is the name of the biscuit) They are also called Peanut Snaps on the packet. My father loves them but they cost quite a bit to get the ones imported from Holland so I thought I would surprise him with some as a father's day present. If you could help me with a recipe for them that would be fantastic. Cheers and keep those dutch recipes coming we LOVE them Tina
  2. Chufi, I have recently become a member of EG and I stumbled across your postings. My father is Dutch and has been in Australia for 52 years now, but he loves his food cooked the "dutch way" and my oma taught my mother quite a few dutch recipes and now my mother had taught me some to. I have gone through your postings on here and have printed some of them out and I am going to surprise my father with a few of your recipes next year for his 60th birthday. I do hope you are keeping well and that the operation has been successful. My thoughts are with you. Tina
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