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Posts posted by love4food

  1. Can you be a bit more descriptive than 'hard and gross'?  Perhaps we can help you tweak your recipe...do you think something went wrong?  How thin did you spread it?  Did you add the baking soda? 

    If you go to google, and search for 'soft peanut brittle' you will get some interesting hits...depending on what you are looking for, of course.

    Would be happy to help you tweak if you like  :smile:

    And I see this is your first post...welcome here!  :smile:

    I dont think something went wrong. I am following my moms recipe. Its about 1 cm thick and i did put baking soda in. I am not sure what I did wrong. The peanuts taste burnt and I am looking for more of a toffee texture.

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