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  1. badsneakers

    Seasonal Beers

    Recently sampled a few of this year's autumn beers. Buffalo Bill's Pumpkin ale: Found it thin and overspiced. Pass. Southern Tier Autumn ale: ROunder. Quite good. Weyerbacher Autumnfest: A much flabbier mouth feel than expected, with their typical dry-hopped finish. Meh. I always love Bell's Best Brown Ale this time of year. Looking forward to Weyerbacher Pumpkin Ale and my perennial favorite Hacker Pschorr Octoberfest. Cheers!
  2. Sorry I wasn't more clear in my first post. I'm looking to find current retail values for wines in our collection which we are now thinking of adding to our wine list. I'll check out the wine searcher site. Thanks Daniel & Carolyn. ETA Any more help would be appreciated. Cheers!!
  3. I did a forum search, but came up empty... Anyone with experience using online pricing guides? Preferences? Et cetera? Thanks in advance.
  4. New member, Closet chef;) Good thread. In my experience, sweetbreads are readily procured in Pennsylvania. Here is one fine source. In restaurants: I believe that any chef willing to do the prep involved in serving sweets correctly is one who will look around a bit to find them. At home: The best I ever prepare myself are those that I get from a Berks County Mennonite farmer I have become friendly acquaintances with. Veal and lamb; (Good duck, too.) And I think sweetbreads are good for you. They make me happy.
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