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  1. Cool Cluvy, thanks! Does it just get left on the plant to get older and have the skin get leathery? I would think if so, or if done off the plant, it would get mushy and spoil...? ← sorry for this very very very late reply. I've been too busy with school and stuff. Yup. You're right. It just stays on the plant for a longer time till it turns brown and all.
  2. hello! I absolutely know what is that weird vegetable. it's called "lao huang gua"(translated from chinese =old yellow melon) it's actually an asian vegetable. it's just and old cucumber really. We asians usually use them in soups. yup.I hope this helps.
  3. cluvy

    Nori Seaweed

    well, I would add it to sweet or savoury tuiles. they can be quite addictive really.
  4. CHOCOLATE!!! mousse,bar,pie,cake,cookie,brownie,just anything with it! love it all!
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