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Posts posted by designerobsessed

  1. How do I "thicken up" my raspberry jam so it doesn't squish out of a sandwich cookie? I made butter cookies this morning & I'd like to use it to make the sandwiched ones with the ends dipped in coconut-the kind you'd see on an italian cookie tray. Any suggestions?

    Also, does anyone have a recipe for a chocolate ganache that can be used to pipe on top of a cookie?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated - THANKS!!

  2. I found this in October's BHG. It's not a pastry cream base but sounds mighty good and would work as a puff filling. I'm going to try it with my homemade cannoli shells which by the way look exactly like the ones in the picture.

    oops, sorry, the link doesn't work. I'll just post the recipe, in my own words.

    Pumpkin Pistachio Filling

    1/2 an 8oz carton mascarpone cheese

    3/4 C powdered sugar

    3/4 C canned pumpkin

    1/2 C ricotta cheese

    1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

    1/2 C chopped roasted pistachio nuts

    1/2 C whipped cream

    Mix together mascarpone cheese, sugar, pumpkin, ricotta & spice. Stir in 1/4 C of the nuts. Whip cream & fold into the pumpkin mix. I would probably omit the nuts.

  3. I would just like to say that your cupcakes look amazing!!!  It seems that everytime I make them the tops are flat rather than slightly domed.  Is there a special trick to getting them this way?

    Thank you! I found that pound cake or quartre-quarts recipes generally yield nice domed cake whereas butter cake recipes are much harder to control. I personally perfer the former because the cakes end up having more structure. Butter cakes are mush lighter and fluffier but they are too delicate for my personal taste (much better suited for layer cakes IMO).

    At the risk of sounding like an idiot, what is a quartre-quarts recipe?

  4. When it comes to pumpkin pie I prefer traditional so I make my mother's recipe, which came from my aunt & previously from her mother so it's pretty old. It's custardy with eggs, whole milk, melted butter, sugar and spices, but not heavy spice-that's why I love it. But I'm sure a splash or two of Makers Mark added would be nice!!

  5. Can I ask at what temp. you baked these at?  I made this cake last nite & it didn't rise as high as I think it should have.  The recipe says 300 which I thought was very odd for a cake so I'm thinking maybe that's why.  It was very good-moist & extremely chocolatey but very dense.  I did use all the coffee it called for.

    I followed the recipe which I also thought was odd but figured others on this board with far more experience then me had good results so I'd give it a shot.

    Did your's come out "heavy"?

  6. I made the Epicurious recipe last night as cupcakes.  They are fabulous -- moist,  slightly delicate crumb, and a rich chocolate flavor.  I used half coffee, half water because I hate coffee and didn't trust that their wouldn't be a hint of coffee peeking through.  There wasn't.  Next time I'll probably go all coffee.

    Can I ask at what temp. you baked these at? I made this cake last nite & it didn't rise as high as I think it should have. The recipe says 300 which I thought was very odd for a cake so I'm thinking maybe that's why. It was very good-moist & extremely chocolatey but very dense. I did use all the coffee it called for.

  7. I made a variety of cupcakes for a special occasion a few days ago. I'm happy with most of the results. You can read my review notes in my blog.


    top row: coffee cake + coffee buttercream, vanilla cake + pistachio buttercream, green tea cake + azuki bean buttercream, coffee cake + ganache

    middle row: coconut cake + cream cheese frosting, chocolate cake + ganache, lemon cake + lemon buttercream

    bottom row: coconut cake + mango buttercream, chocolate cake + coffee buttercream, vanilla cake + strawberry buttercream, carrot cake + cream cheese frosting

    I would just like to say that your cupcakes look amazing!!! It seems that everytime I make them the tops are flat rather than slightly domed. Is there a special trick to getting them this way?

  8. I use flour sack towels for jelly rolls or pumpkin rolls. I wash them seperately in hot water & they seem to be fine. I've been using the same ones for quite. The trick with lining them with parchment sounds like a good idea though.

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