There's nothing wrong with inexpensive sangria, just as there is nothing wrong with the pricery version. My poorly made point was just that wine (and brandy) is a product with greatly varying price points. You are right in stating that traditionally sangria was created to help down wine that you might find a little difficult to enjoy on its own. But the automobile also used to just be a means of transportation. Now it's a entertainment center, status symbol, etc. Cocktails, like humans, are continually evolving (and hopefully for the better) ;-) My personal sangria recipe is a little heavy in the booze department, and usually falls into the $10 category (mind you I also have things like kiwi, mango, fresh squeezed juices, etc in it). But on the other hand, people don't come up to me to ask "why so much?", but rather "can I have your recipe?". I think maybe the issue is: why so much for what appears to be an unexceptional sangria? (I personally haven't tried it as I am still working my way through the other cocktails first. Perhaps Wednesday. ;-) )