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Everything posted by OwnReward

  1. Well they had locally churned butter, maybe he bought the vinegar from a Celt. ← Actually, It's an old French Canadian recipe for good cider vinegar with ground up leprechauns in it. Karen
  2. Hi! I had a very good meal recently at Corriander in Sharon (exit 8 off 95). A friend who lives in Ayer has mentioned a great place in Groton, but I can't remember the name of it... And of course, in Westford, Kimball's Ice Cream. A wonderful place for kids of all ages. Cheers Karen
  3. Can of worm now officially open! Au jus purist definition implies two concurrent factors: 1- Cooking in natural juices and dripping with no thickening agent e.g. Cream-Wine...etc 2- Served and presented swimming in it's own jus and not in a separate sauciere. ← I've always wondered how menus can say "in its own juices" when describing the item...I've never seen a roast (the home size version all the way up to a steamship round) give off more than minimal pan drippings...certainly not the quantity one gets when consuming a main course "au jus"... what ever it is, it's not natural and (for the majority of places) it comes from a can. (And for the grammar police...have you read 'Eats Shoots and Leaves: The zero tolerance apporach to Good Grammar'...a truly hysterical book... If you were not a grammar snob before, you will be afterwards...) KV
  4. Downtown, in the Citizen's Bank building...right on the river...very creative, also on the expensive side, especially with wine/cocktails... their creme brulee presentation is one of the most dramatic I've seen...the ambience is a bit on the loud side, but if you are there mid week (and not on a Waterfire night), you can actually enjoy yourself...Cafe Nuovo is a sister restaurant to Cappriccio's...Last birthday, it was my place of choice... Amng other things, I remember an excellent fois gras appetizer... KV
  5. I'm always amazed that in discussions of great restaurants in PVD, I almost never see mention of Rest. Pizzico on Hope street...I've had excellent meals there, great wines and excellent service. I wonder if many think their menu is pizza-based because of the name... meal stand outs include a mushroom risotto ( as the Supreme being intended it to taste) and an artichoke soup .... Ran Zan and Haruki/Wayland are my favorites for sushi, with Sakura as a close third; I was very disapointed in Oki in N. Providence (I've never before had to send back ikura because it wasn't fresh). Cafe Nuovo is a perrenial favorite, especially now that RI is smoke free in all restaurants. The Gate House was dissapointing... I thought their menu was dated....XO cafe was pretty good, with their Truffle French Fries worth the entire cost of dinner... Has anyone eaten at the new L'epicureo? Opinions? Cheers KV
  6. Currently in the freezer are Millers (my current favorite), Junipero (rather sharp), Juniper Green Organic (also on the sharp side), and VanGogh (indifferent). Usually Hendricks is the house brand, or Bombay Saphire. Tanqueray and T10 are too light for my preference (Kinda like milk chocolate...It's chocolate so it is good, if I had my druthers, it would be dark chocolate). Only once did I order a martini and fogeot to specify gin brand. Ended up with bar brand. shudder. blech.
  7. Wow... sounds like a great place to go.. Chris- are there any plans a foot for a Provience E Gullet dinner out? perhaps this is the place to go...and I'd be happy to help organize... Cheers KV
  8. Dewolfe Tavern on Thames Street in Bristol ..great menu... classical dishes and American fusion with an Indian/Pakistani flair; Roberto's, on the other main street in Bristol-Italian...Sea Shai in Middletown...excellent sushi; In providence, Restaruant Pizzico on Hope Street (very underrated-mushroom risotto the way God intended it to be) Cheers KV
  9. Not in Portsmouth, but right up the way...Dewolfe Tavern on Thames Street in Bristol (great menu... classical dishes and American fusion with an Indian/Pakistani flair; Roberto's, on the other main street in Bristol-Italian... If it is near the Fourth of July...be aware of the *huge* parade in Bristol... ties up traffic up and down rt.114 Karen V ← OOps, missed the 'NH' and was thinking 'RI'...sorry KV
  10. I second that... KV (FYI: Hope street is on "the East Side" , and "the Rue" is on the Wickenden street end of Hope Street)
  11. Hi Sandy! In Davis square, my favorite is Redbones... the best BBQ in Boston. A bit further afield, not really in Davis, though, is DALI... a wonderful tapas bar... not many places where I'd wait more than an hour for a table!.. Happy eating KV
  12. Hmm. By not stunning, do you mean they don't do a good version of Portugese, or that the food is objectively not very good, or something else? If it's one of the first two, I'll skip them, I guess. But I was hoping to try something I couldn't get in Philadelphia: Portugese is one of those things. Erin, if you remember the spot in Fall River, let me know. I'm down for a hole in the wall, and I've got a car and the willingness to travel... ← Another one that a couple people have told me is good in the Riverview (or Riviera-I haven't been by in a while so I can't remember the name... it's on the same street as Estrella do Mar (one of my worst restaurant experiences ever), on the same side toawrd Pautucket. I never would have guessed it was a good place-- it looks like a run down banquet facility...I'll be trying in the next couple weeks.. Madiera can be satisfcatory, but they take the 'leisurly European paced meal' to the extreme...their 'littlenecks with wine and garlic' has the best butter based sauce...mmm..dip the bread in it. KV
  13. Not in Portsmouth, but right up the way...Dewolfe Tavern on Thames Street in Bristol (great menu... classical dishes and American fusion with an Indian/Pakistani flair; Roberto's, on the other main street in Bristol-Italian... If it is near the Fourth of July...be aware of the *huge* parade in Bristol... ties up traffic up and down rt.114 Karen V
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