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Everything posted by Logrus9

  1. I have 2 especially memorable ones. When I was about 12 I was toasting a bagel in the oven since our toaster wasn't wide enough. Watching tv I forgot about it until I saw smoke rolling down the hallway. I ran into the kitchen and pulled the completely charred black lump out and threw it in the garbage, then opened up the windows. About 5 minutes later I'm still seeing smoke, walk back to the kitchen to find flames shooting out of the garbage can all the way to the ceiling. I had successfully created charcoal. Luckily the sprayer from the sink was able to reach the fire. Charred the wall, pantry, ceiling and melted the plastic garbage can. Last year, made hardboiled eggs for lunch and brought them to work. I prefer them with the yolk just solidified, but not dried out and crumbly. Unfortunately, after peeling them I realized that the yolks were runny so I put them in the microwave for about 30 seconds. They looked fine, but when I bit into one it literally exploded in my mouth and I had superheated egg yolk scorching my tongue, lips, roof of my mouth, cheeks. Luckily I was able to block it from searing my throat, but had to spit it out in front of a cafeteria full of people. Those burns hurt like hell for a week and it's the last time I ate a hardboiled egg.
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