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Everything posted by feloniousmonk

  1. It has been over a year since the last post but the Oceanaire Seafood Room is fantastic.
  2. I know I know it isn't an invention, but tolerance. Without which I would not be able to live in a town of 7,000 people and have a chinese, mexican, and italian restaurant ran by the respective ethnicities. God bless my mother for teaching me that no matter what people look like and sound like we all bleed red, and that no matter what all of the food is good.
  3. I don't have any children, but being a meat eater and if my children are anything like me, will be too. i will teach them to respect all animals not just the ones you put in your mouth. hopefully they will listen.
  4. i am going to go to these places on vacation...where should i eat? breakfast lunch and dinner are all open for scrutiny. :)
  5. feloniousmonk

    Dinner! 2005

    I work nights so for lunch I made a rotisserie seasoned pork loin with loaded mashed potatos and green beans.
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