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Everything posted by marons

  1. marons


    Dining-we've eaten in each of these more than once and were quite pleased. Gubbio - Taverna del Lupo Spoleto - Il Tartuffo mike arons
  2. Two that I have found very useful are Osteria d'Italia published by Slow Food Italy, and the Touring Club of Italy's guide to Ristoranti e Albergi. Unfortunately both are in Italian and can be bought in any big bookstore in Italy--e.g. in Rome at the bookstore in Termini and Feltrinelli. There is an english version of the first one that includes both restaurants and hotels available here. It is also helpful, but less complete with regard to places to eat. Mike Arons
  3. Slightly off thread: I will be in Paris in mid May. Where is the Italian Bootkstore there? Thanks
  4. I have found Osterie d'Italia published by Slow Food Italy excellent-it is in Italian, however. I have purchased books from www.bol.it several times.
  5. marons

    Cinque Terre

    We were recently in the Cinque Terre. In Moterosso al Mare, right on the shore in the old town, there is a restarurant 'Belvedere'. It's not in any of the guidebooks. We ate there three years ago and agin twice two weeks go. We love it. It is unpretentious and we found the 'trenette al pesto' and the broiled orata excellent. Mike Arons
  6. I read Italian-----What are the best in Italian? mike arons
  7. The original posting asked also where we might have had good versions "elsewhere". For New Yorkers (or visitors), the ragu in the restaurant "al di la" in Park Slope in Brooklyn is outstanding in my view. We've been fans of the place for years, and, coincidently, last Wednesday's Times gave it a lovely review.
  8. We have eaten twice (over a 10 year inerval!) at Taverna Del Lupo in Gubbio (not incredibly far from Assisi) . Both times the meal was excellent. It is rated in tourist books, but not crowded for lunch and large enough for a good sized group. Also, we find Gubbio well worth a visit. The details are: TAVERNA DEL LUPO: V. Baldassini 60 - 06024 - Gubbio (PG) - Tel: (+39) 075 9274368 Mike
  9. The Touring Club of Italy has a book on Parma which lists Al Vedel. They give it 1 fork, which is good--I have used their recommendations with sucess all over Italy. I will be in Emilia-Romagna for a week in late May, staying in Parma and I expect to get to AL Vedel. Mike Arons
  10. We've eaten at Da Buffetta, and oher than the lines, have enjoyed the pizza each time.
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