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Everything posted by amyz

  1. Chance -- This is, actually, the real name of a real restaurant that just opened in Brooklyn. Yeah, hmmm. Don't really want to associate that word with anything that's going in my stomach. Not so much. Nope. Mime n' Meal -- All of the servers are mimes and mime out the menu for you. Mime taking your order. Mime cooks mime cooking your mime food. Mime bartenders mime you a drink. You see where I'm going with this...
  2. that doesn't sound weird at all -- that sounds great! actually, there's a good little pizza place in NYC (actually, there are two of them: one in manhattan, one in brooklyn) named Two Boots that does a really good calamari pizza.
  3. today: a lovely pastrami sandwich on rye from an old German restaurant that's been around since the '30s (the restaurant -- not the pastrami!) and some pickled tomatoes (never had them before) that were on the table as part of the spread. tonight: my friend elizabeth is making a bolognese sauce with cavatelli, which i'm fairly certain is going to kick ass because she's a wonderful cook.
  4. amyz

    First Varietals

    Some suggestions if you still need them: Cousino Macul Antigua Reserve cabernet sauvignon -- the 2001 was great, if you can find it. Trefethen riesling Argyle pinot noir
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