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Mike L.

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Posts posted by Mike L.

  1. To JGM re bagel slicer:

    JGM Try this and let us know how it works:

    1. Throw out your bagel slicer.

    2. Reach for your serrated bread knife.

    3. Place bagel flat in the cutting board.

    4. Cut it in half VERTICALLY.

    5. Turn both halves up so the two flat sides are on the cutting board and the curved side is up.

    6. Hold each half with your hand over the top and slice down. If you stop just before the cutting board you can simply fold the half opened for toasting in your toaster oven, or just cut all the way and work with the halves.

    Mike :wink:

  2. I need some ideas on what to inject into chicken, turkey and beef. Anyone have any experience with this? I saw several competition pros doing it at the barbeque competitions on Food TV. Tx.


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