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Everything posted by Delight

  1. OK - First time for everything - well first time to comment on this site, and finally going to reply to a gripe. I'm Karri, co-owner of Chambar with my husband Nico. Beychevelle - totally horrified to hear of your experience and am very sorry to hear you had such a horrible evening. We've feed close to 4000 people during DOV and on some nights put out over 1200 plates in a an evening. Not bad for 4 people in the kitchen - no matter. Reading e-gullet forums have been a great source of constructive critiscismand in most cases very helpful. For example someone was making comments about our fries be substandard. Nico being Belgian makes this a great insult. I try not to eat fries more than once a week or I'd be big as a house, but thanks to the comments I tended to agree & we discovered that our deep fryer had a regulator built in, and another had been added during hookup. Problem solved. However we certainly don't use canned food and our ice cream is lovingly homemade daily, and Liege style waffles are made traditionally with imported pearl sugar + fresh yeast. I do hope you come back before 2010, please introduce your self so I can get you with my cattle prod a few times before I buy you a beer. We cannot complain in the least at being full since we opened becuase it could quite easily be the opposite. The hype about Chambar created such high expectations & ruthless critisism from Day one - all of which we take with a grain of salt, glass of wine or scotch late at night, continue to work our asses off and enjoy ourselves because at the end of the day - we love what we do. Opening Chambar has been a crazy adventure, and can only hope this will continue - beyond 2010. We're bloody here to stay!! Karri
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