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  1. Biscuits and beer, cheese and confections, preserves and tea - oh, my! Going to need another piece of luggage to bring all this home in! Enjoying all the suggestions. Hmmm.... I'm getting hungry....
  2. Seattle is home to Starbucks, Seattles Best Coffee Company, and many other worldwide chains and roasters. The streets are inundated with mediocre coffee that one wonders if it deserves its reputation. Vancouver is the same, with some areas have 4-5 starbucks within a 2 block radius. ← Oh, sure, there's lots of bad and mediocre coffee in Seattle, too many Starbucks cafes, but also some great smalltime roasters: www.lighthouseroasters.com, www.caffevita.com, www.7roasters.com and surely others I'm forgetting at the moment.
  3. Thanks all for the suggestions (except for the Marmite! )! And thanks, Champagne Sadie, for the CBP link.
  4. We're in Seattle and my husband will be in London on a business trip at the end of the month. Any recommendations for nonperishable foodstuffs he should be on the look-out for to bring home? Anything particularly yummy that is hard to find in the U.S.?
  5. Yeah, I was thinking of halving the recipe, but you're right, probably best to first try just a quarter recipe in case it's a complete disaster.
  6. I guess I assumed it would be glucose powder because the measurement was given in pounds rather than a volume measurement, but what do I know? Thanks!
  7. I'm looking for some help in making a candy recipe that was passed on to my great grandmother by a confectioner she knew. My grandmother gave me this little notebook filled with such recipes and I'm going to try my hand at one that looks relatively easy (at first glance, anyway...). The instructions are terribly brief and I need some help fleshing them out (I have a little candy-making experience, but not much). Heavenly Head Cheese [i'm guessing we'd call it 'Heavenly Hash' today] 2.5 lbs sugar 2.5 lbs glucose 0.5 lbs butter 0.5 lbs bitter chocolate 3 ozs paraffin 1 pint molasses 1 pint water 3 lbs shredded coconut 2 lbs nuts Cook to 243. Take off heat and stir in coconut and nuts. Turn into paper lined pan. I found powdered glucose, but would prefer to avoid using paraffin. Is it true one can substitute shortening for paraffin? If so, what would be the correct amount? Three pound of coconut seems like an incredible amount. Do I just dump everything in a pan at once and cook it? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
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