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  1. " ritz escoffier" ... you can have on request simultaneous translation ... it's free i guess
  2. Ritz-Escoffier ... absolument.
  3. Which I suppose, is why I don't search out Korean food in Paris. gdg, in the US we refer to milk without the cream as "skim milk," and milk with the cream in it as "whole milk." Most dairies in the US now sell milk with various percentages of cream. There is skim milk with no cream, 1% milk with 1% cream, 2% milk and whole milk which I believe generally contains about 4% cream. The cream is removed from the milk and sold at a much higher price, but the resultant skim milk is no cheaper to buy. Skim milk is no less expensive, just inferior. ← thank you Bux ... in france the whole milk got the same name "lait entier" ... same thing for the price, i think ... as for "vache qui rit" i use to love it, i can't remember but i use to do something with, i mean cook something, pasta ? butter melt vache qui rit qnd ... spaghetti ? that's it i'm afraid .................... kids love it france, or use to ... thanks again
  4. i'm born in Lure, in franche comte, a Lure, there everybody, but me, love cancoillotte ... it was call "fromagere"in the old time and home made, specially in haute saone, in Lure ... my grand mother make some ... i have a recipe from the book "franche-comte" i give you the ingredients only cause i try to translate it but to many words i don't know in english ... if someone is interested i translate it ... the main business seems to make the milk "curdle" ( cailler ) ... and heat it 1 milk liter without cream ( lait ecreme ) 100 grs of butter 5 cl of milk with cream ( lait non ecreme ) one "pod" ? of garlic ( gousse d'ail ) salt peper in my memory this "cheese" is almost liquid, maybe some people like it more or less liquid, i don't know ... they eat it on hot bread most of the time ... i was raise by my grand-grand-mother, she love, use to love that cheese, but i think she doesn't eat as much as she want cause i hate the odor, my grand mother use to love me better than cancoillotte
  5. i forgot the croissants, i don't have one since ...... pathetic is the exact word ... really i don't have a good croissant for a long time in a bar
  6. good idea John ... coffee in bars around my place ( and i live fifty meters from "L'ambroisie", i mean in the heart of the city ) is so bad that i start to like "american" better, i mean when i go to those bars around i order a very long espresso, and sometimes i add hot water until i have a good regular, until the awful taste dissapear ... in fact now i love napolitan coffee with the machinetta, i think i forget what's a good espresso, even if i have a machine at home
  7. [quote Gérard, you should stop reading Bourdieu's "La distinction". Art and its industrial production is maybe the last field which hasn't to endure any real critique, so no wonder everyone wants to pass the door and to fit in this room, no wonder everyone wants to ennoble himself with this notion. Boris i don t have time for Bourdieu ... my english is not good enough here and also i don't feel concern ... there is not much to do to change the flow of things and i don't wanna try ... i'm a poet, i know it, hope i don't don't blow it ... i already regret my previous post ... i love to cook orecchiette con cime di rapa ... vive la cuisine
  8. you write "It's all about money and competition, the negation of art. Innovation, originality for originality's sake (art is no longer art when it becomes a strategy; that's easy to understand but obviously it is still very hard to understand for many chefs who try to imitate Ferran Adria or Michel Bras), a good dose of elitism and snottiness, and food that, at high level, ends up looking and tasting the same all over the world, and — yes — the plague of assembly-line cuisine which is not really cuisine at all." that's it ... you said it all ... "haute-cuisine" today in fact ressemble "art" himself, what you said above apply to art, today art is all about money, all about power and position ... for me even those two names ( Adria and Bras ) are in the same bag, i see once Bras on tv, dressing a plate, trying to look like an artist, i can "picture" him on "place du tertre" with the final plate, it's were the quality of the aesthetic ( only thing that seems to matter when it come's to "art" for mister Bras ) of the final plate look like, a cheap ugly painting for tourists, in fact the custumers of those guys are "tourists" ... deconstruction was interesting in the hand of master, but in Adria hand what it is ? ... a joke ... as good as a cook Adria can be ... and Bras also. art is "cuisine" today, so cuisine can be art as well, it's fine with me ... everything today seems to be - is - about money ... ou sont les cuisiniers ? my grand mother is dead ... let's find another name.
  9. you can't expect good coffee "in general" in paris ... the overall quality of the bar/cafe in paris goes down, it's expansive and most of the time not good, i wonder where you find such great food ... and again ??? where you have bad coffee "in general" you have bad food ...even the bread is not that good those days in those bars ... you have to know where to go ... but if you know and go somewhere else ?
  10. today in Paris you probably find the best coffee at the bar of the very good hotels, the palace's, and sometimes you can even find a real barman, "old school", then you may have whatever you like, he'll make the coffee you want, capuccino as well ... i don't go out much anymore but i suppose that if you go at the bar of the Ritz you can have a good coffee, there in the spring you can have a great "petit dejeuner" ( breakfast ) in a nice garden, you can go to the Plaza where the bar is interesting, i think ... the "Lutetia" with live jazz at night ... you'll have good coffee there i believe ... at the hotel "Costes" is the trendy place right now, you'll have a coffee ... again i'm not going out those days but i believe there is some others great place like this, the "Hotel" ( rue des beaux arts ) use to have a great bar with unexpected people around, but i don't go there for years ... the hotel "Pont royal" where Joel Robuchon recently open "L'atelier" ( diner around 100 dollars ) should have something that look like a coffee ... and if you want milk in it, ask for "un cafe ... avec un petit pot de lait " milk that you can have hot ( chaud ) or cold ( froid ) ... oui ? gerard
  11. hi thank you Bux ... if you azsk for : "un double express" you get a double espresso "un double serre" you get a double strong espresso ... and if you ask for a "cafe au lait" you get an espresso with milk ... but yes. gerard
  12. gdg

    Paris in January

    hi things change ... la France aussi ... but if you look for gatorade ... it's not ... and never was the place ... to introduce myself gerard
  13. hello if you order : un cafe ( you get an espresso ) un cafe serre ( you get a strong espresso ) un cafe tres serre ( more strong, italian taste ) une noisette ( you get an espresso with a drop of cold milk ) un cafe au lait ( you get a long espresso with milk ) un cafe allonge ( you get a lighter espresso ) un cafe tres allonge ( you can almost a regular american ) un capuccino ( you get a capuccino ... almost ) something like that, all those coffee are variations of espresso. at home almost no one have espresso machine in france ( only recently it change a little ) and really the coffee is not that good ... but you know what i mean. i don't know where you can have specially good espresso in Paris ( in good cafe you'll find good espresso in general ) but you can have a taste of some good french coffee at *le cafe de flore* there you order *un cafe pot* and you get something that look like a good home made french coffee ... the *cafe de flore* is anyway a good place to have some times, there is another cafe next door *les deux magots* nicer i think, but it,s an historic war between those two and i choose my side long time ago, *le cafe de flore* there is probably a lot more to say, there is a lot more to say ... on request maybe regards gerard hope my english is possible ... my grammar is terrible ... but i'll try to compensate
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