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Posts posted by vancanjay

  1. Since no one is supporting music on sites, I think I gotta pipe up.

    Music is a great addition when the user is in control. Having a music player that is is off when you get to the site, yet still available for you if you wish is a great balance. Having more than one loop of good music that suites the clientelle of the location can add something for those musically interested. Especially if both your web designer and customers are on the cutting edge of music. :cool:

  2. Luckily, there are many different types of dining establishments.

    We run a casual space where servers are encouraged to be real, service oriented people who develop strong repore with their customers. Part of that may include sitting down at the table. Each customer, like each server is made to feel comfortable in varying ways. One aspect of the talented server, is being an intuitive person who knows when to sit down & hang out and knows when to be polite, informative and consise. Having one rule, for all customers, in all environments, is insane.

    Maybe I feel a little opinionated right this moment...

    Being both an owner and someone who serves, It annoys the hell out of me when customers have a condesending approach to the staff that serve them. If you are uncomfortable with warmer styles of communication, stick to fine dining environments or counter service where staff are more than arms length away.

    The casual approach we try to take, changes the role of a "server" to more of a location specific consultant that you the customer has hired for assistance with both menu and any other timely needs you may have during your stay. The more a customer feels at home with all their needs met the better the job we have done. That being said, I still value the concept of the customer is always (almost) right.

    This gets back to us all having different expectations and we should train our staff to look for the visual indicators on what type of experience the customer is looking for.

  3. Not sure if this applies in all citys but it sure seems to happen here. (I think the young nature of Vancouver does play a role)

    Our classic venues are taken for granted until the wrecking ball has arrived. A few articles show up in the local press and then on we go to our franchised outlets with consitent food, service and decor.

    As ironic as it may appear, history has little value in our time of fast food and preservatives. We look for instant reward and the next cool venue. Just look to the forums and see the response rate on the latest new rooms in any city. People are clamouring for the the new. In many cases, not enough people care for the old and classic. This applies in many aspects of our society and I'm sad to say I'm generally part of this group.

    Will our children learn classic recipes, play traditional instruments or are we an evolving species that keeps innovating and moving forward forgetting our past?

    My guess is the fringe will keep our history alive, sometimes with little reward yet others will allow a niche to prosper for another generation or two.

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